Kavinder asks officers to be sensitive towards public issues

Sr BJP leader Kavinder Gupta listening public grievances at Jammu on Tuesday.
Sr BJP leader Kavinder Gupta listening public grievances at Jammu on Tuesday.

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Sept 27: Kavinder Gupta, senior BJP leader and former Deputy Chief Minister today called upon officers to be more sensitive while dealing with day to day issues faced by common people.
He was speaking after conducting grievance redressal camp at BJP Headquarters, Jammu in which Ranbir Singh Pathania, former MLA and J&K BJP spokesperson was also present.
Raising serious concern over issues being faced by youth, Kavinder said that the youth constitute the very backbone of the country. “We need to rectify the errors and slips of the past as these are wounds which have festered for decades and decades should be cured and wiped off by now”, he added.
Kavinder called for immediate clearance of MGNREGA liabilities. It is biggest travesty of justice that law prescribes punishment for delayed payments under MGNREGA. More so, delayed payment of ‘wages’ is punishable under Payment of Wages Act but the poor labourers in J & K are being denied their rightful claim in respect of works which were approved under the plan, technical sanction also granted and quality check of works also been done. This has caused frustration and rightful claims being denied since more than four years, he added.
Kavinder Gupta called for greater synergy between officers and people while formulating and executing projects.
Pathania was vocal about ensuring public emancipation and mobilisation for greater success of Centrally sponsored schemes and initiatives of Bharat Sarkar. “We need to act as harbingers of social change in our respective areas,” he added.
Earlier, many deputations including individual persons visited the party head office to discuss their issues with the senior BJP leaders. Deputations and common people discussed various issues related to the development of their respective areas and their other concerns. They also put forth various issues pertaining to basic amenities including drinking water, electricity, roads, etc. They sought immediate resolution of their pressing issues.
Kavinder and Pathania after hearing the deputations resolved most of the issues instantaneously by talking to the authorities concerned on phone. They assured to take up the rest of their issues with the concerned authorities and get the same resolved at the earliest.