Keran infiltration day 12: 4 ultras slain, northern Army chief makes recce


SRINAGAR: Troops neutralised four infiltrators near the Line of Control as the Army operation against militants, holed up in the dense woods of Keran sector, entered the 12th day today, a Defence ministry spokesman said here.

A total of seven infiltrators were killed by troops in the sector since yesterday.

Troops guarding the LoC detected another group of militants sneaking into this side from Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK) in the wee hours under the cover of darkness in Fatehgali area, about 25 km from village Shalbhati, where 30 to 40 militants were holed up, the spokesman said.

A fierce gunbattle ensued when the militants opened fire on being challenged and asked to surrender.

Four militants were killed.

War-like stores, including six AK rifles and magazines, had been recovered near the encounter site, the spokesman said.

Northern Army Commander Lt Gen Sanjiv Chachra made an aerial recce of forward posts near the dense woods where the militants are reportedly holed up.

Lt Gen Chachra received a detailed brief about the situation from the local commander, defence sources said here this evening.

Troops have launched a major operation against the militants holed up in the woods, they said.

The Army commander along with Lt Gen Gurmit Singh, Chinar Corps Commander visited the Headquarters of Sector Rashtriya Rifles where he was briefed by the Commanders on the prevailing security scenario in their areas of responsibility.

Lt Gen Chachra expressed satisfaction over the preparedness of security forces in ensuring safety and security of the people in the Valley and praised the high level of synergy among the police, CRPF and Army.

Sources said in the next two days, the Army Commander is scheduled to visit the forward formations and units to review the anti-infiltration grid and also the ongoing operations being conducted by the Army.

Lt Gen Chachra will also call on Governor N N Vohra and Chief Minister Omar Abdullah.

GOC 15 Corps Lt Gen Gurmeet Singh said recently that 30 to 40 militants infiltrated into this side from different  points from PoK

The militants were intercepted near the LoC, he said.

Lt Gen Gurmeet Singh said bodies of 10 to 12 militants were seen in the area but could not be recovered because of the ongoing gunbattle.

Declining to divulge further details. Lt Gen Gurmeet Singh said all information would be shared with media and people after the operation ends. (AGENCIES)