RBA Forum demands Advisory Board for backward areas

Excelsior Correspondent
RAJOURI, Oct 6: Demanding Advisory Board for Backward areas of State, RBA Forum has expressed shock over Government’s attitude of adding into the lists of RBA villages instead of making efforts to remove backwardness of already listed areas.
Addressing a press conference here today, State president of RBA Forum, Zakir Malik Bhallesi, along with special secretary, Maneer Khan and State coordinator, Jamsheed Malik have questioned that when there is advisory boards for Scheduled Tribe, Scheduled Castes, OBC and Pahari community why Government has not constituted  such Board for 40 lakh people residing in backward areas.
They demanded immediate constitution of J&K Backward Area Advisory Board in the State. The Forum said that Government should also think on the issue of increasing reservation from 20 to 32 percent for the backward areas so as to give them the chances of development.
“There is dire need of some exclusive policy for the development of the backward areas and Government should come forward with first step of constitution of State Backward Area Advisory Board in the State”, Malik, State coordinator of the Forum said.