
Aries : If you are aiming to marry soon, you can start making preparations today. However, before you take the final decision, it would be better to look at both sides of the coin, advises Ganesha. Activities related to such an alliance will dominate today, and by the end of the day you may feel very elated.

Taurus : This day appears to be earmarked for a long shopping spree. Ganesha sees you doing the rounds of malls, markets, dollar stores and bargain counters. You are likely to be happily busy in haggling over prices, trying to get the best deals for your purchases. Before you are done you would have bought tons of stuff. On return in the evening, you will be happily absorbed in narrating the exciting and colourful details of your day long shopping.

Gemini : A progressive day awaits you. However, you need to keep yourself in check when enjoying yourself. You will spend time with your friends and family and bond emotionally. Do not neglect your family members in the group activities that you take up, says Ganesha.

Cancer : Today, your ability to think clearly in the most adverse conditions will be your key weapon as you get cornered by unrelenting assaults of work and deadlines. The clarity will reflect in your work as you deal with inhuman work pressure. Your mind will save the day for you as well as your peers.

Leo : Your children’s health may be a cause of concern today, says Ganesha. The best way to put your and your family’s fears to rest would be by paying a quick visit to the doctor. As always, kids remain a surprise package of delights; the happiness of your children shall double your joy as a parent. But then, Ganesha reminds, only a healthy kid is a happy kid.

Virgo : Ganesha foretells that you will start off on a long, arduous path to success. Some tough work will play a vital role in your progress. Don’t cut corners, and your labours will pay rich dividends and you will reap due rewards. Some opportunities are best left alone as they involve too much risk.

Libra : Nothing overshadows your love for your children today. And love is precisely what drives you incessantly to give them the best possible of everything. Be it special classes for that extra edge in education, or a visit to a holy place to seek divine blessing, you will do it all today. And spending time with children isn’t all — you may end up taking a small but sweet trip in the evening, says Ganesha.

Scorpio : There are strong indications that today you will be receptive and sensitive towards the needs of other people. Negative vibes will disrupt your thinking, and you will rely on the company of close friends to keep you in good cheer. Do not succumb to the pessimism that might cloud your thought today as it is only a passing phase, advises Ganesha.

Sagittarius : Those around you will be impressed by the leader in you. You are the general and others will rally at your call to arms. And all the while, you swing your sword and make your way to the top, defying all odds. Do not forget to let people have their own time and space. This will not only help you progress, but will boost their morale too.

Capricorn : Despite repeated failures, very few realise that the key to success is in having the patience of a saint. Vexation invariably leads to an outburst which, in turn, can ruin your reputation and future prospects in innumerable ways. Today, Ganesha advises you to keep your calm and smile back even if faced with an adverse situation. Doing as directed may help you overcome troubles and take the right decisions.

Aquarius : Optimism rules today, and you are assured of your success. You are not usually affected by others’ opinions, and that is how it should be. But you must keep in mind the inconvenience your decisions may cause people. Any stress or tension will vanish in the arms of your beloved, says Ganesha.

Pisces : The focus today will be on self-improvement. You may find yourself attending seminars or workshops. Self-employed people are likely to find lucrative deals landing in their laps in the afternoon. Quality time with your family in the evening will give you a sense of balance and of belonging, says Ganesha.