Control Dengue spread

The spurt in Dengue fever cases in Jammu and Kashmir is causing alarm especially in Jammu district alone which as per latest reports has confirmed cases of infection numbering over 2100 while in the entire UT, the number is touching 2500. These cases are reported ones only , those which are not reported for various reasons, when added into the reported ones will surely be alarming. Whether all of a sudden, say within a week’s time, the surge could be of this level is not precisely known but a prolonged monsoon season and sudden fluctuation in temperature coupled with accumulated water over days together around residential houses could be some of the reasons of a sudden outbreak of the viral infection transmitted through the mosquito bite. At the outset, we feel that absence of adequate awareness among the masses by the Health and Medical Education authorities about taking adequate precautions have led to virtually all being caught unawares . That could be on account of not anticipating the menace by the authorities right in time to strike so quickly and unexpectedly and infecting people in hundreds.
Since till date, unfortunately there is no specific treatment for dengue fever and its later complications, in certain cases, it is therefore, imperative that enough preventive measures be taken to contain the spread for which an Action Plan must be framed for immediate implementation . That must, as it will necessarily be ,stressing on measures like fogging, draining out accumulated rain water from wherever noticed, advising public about keeping dry and duly sprayed room coolers, now that the temperature during day and night does not warrant use thereof, adequate facilities for blood testing and preferred treatment given to the infected persons. Kerosene oil sprays on accumulated water pits and spots, in a layman’s parlance, could prove an antidote to breeding of the Dengue mosquito. Unfortunately but plainly speaking, kerosene oil has become a scarce commodity / type of fuel due to various reasons. Swashita or cleanliness is absolutely paramount.
Timely and pointed medical attention, especially early detection of the infection is a sure guarantee to keep the mortality rate to the negligible levels. Needless to add, early blood test to determine whether a particular case was positive or not is very important otherwise a severe fever or even malaria could be mistakenly treated as Dengue fever. Even most of the cases could be of quite mild nature or asymptomatic . Hence, more testing facilities and as early as possible, was extremely important. All these basic measures must be what the Action Plan should all about be along with vigorous mass awareness and sustained community involvement especially members of Panchayats in villages and those of Municipal Corporations and self help groups in cities/ towns.
School going children must never venture out of their homes when bound for schools unless their exposed parts of the body are thoroughly applied with the mosquito repellent creams . Otherwise also, indoor insect fogging /indoor insect spray should be used in homes. Parents need to be doubly sure about their School/college going children using repellent creams. Besides, such an arrangement should be there in the schools too which should otherwise be properly sprayed with necessary HIT repellents . It must be noted that not only the much feared Dengue fever/ infection but Chikungunya , yellow fever and Zika viruses too engulf people on account of the mosquito bite in addition to malaria and high viral fever . All these are based on general experience and expert medical opinion may not necessarily corroborate in entirety but its core cannot be contested. Hence, we urge the Government to take measures on war footing towards prevention and containing further spread of the viral infection caused by an ”infected” mosquito lest the spread becomes somewhat uncontrollable.