FIR against maulvi for beating minor

SRINAGAR, Oct 11: J&K Police has registered a case against a maulvi for allegedly beating a madrasa student in Ganderbal district of Jammu and Kashmir for not following the dress code at the seminary.
Police said the case was registered after a complaint by the boy’s father.
On Monday evening, a written complaint was submitted by Mohammad Sadiq Chiche of Kangan Wuder claiming that his minor son was allegedly beaten by Maulvi Reyaz Ahmad Khantana in a local Darul Uloom for not wearing Khandress which is dress code in Darul uloom, police said.
A case under section 341,323, IPC 75 JJ Act has been registered in in Police Station Kangan and further investigation has been taken up, a police officer said in Ganderbal. (UNI)