Charity begins at home

People in India compare their nation with foreign countries in terms of cleanliness and hygiene. But, the actual question is how many of us throw their garbage, or to be specific even a toffee wrapper inside the dustbin.
It is easy to blame the Government for not performing their duties well, but are we as a citizen of India carrying out the task that we are actually responsible for i.e., to keep our cities clean.
I have seen people cleaning up their house-hold-and throwing the trash in the common lane, because nobody is watching. The  Municipal Corporation has placed several dustbin around the city, but nobody  makes an effort to drop the waste inside it.
The roads and the public areas are flooded with dirt which is obviously caused due to people among us, it brings in innumerable health problems. Therefore, the first and foremost duty of a good citizen is to stop raising fingers and show some sense of responsibility and ethics in your actions.
Yours etc…..
Kritika Joshi
IIMC,  Jammu