Govt releases over Rs 3 cr as UT share for NAM, drug testing lab

Irfan Tramboo

SRINAGAR, Nov 4: The Government has released the UT-share of over Rs 3.88 crore under Capex Budget 2022-23 for National Ayush Mission (NAM) and strengthening of Drug Regulatory System in the State- Establishment of modern Drug Testing Laboratory at Kathua, which are Centrally Sponsored Schemes.
In this regard, for National Ayush Mission (NAM), over Rs 1 crore 38 lakhs have been released in favor of Director, Ayush J&K while Rs 2.5 crore have been released for strengthening of Drug Regulatory System in the State- Establishment of Modern Drug Testing Laboratory at Kathua in favor of State Drug Controller, Drug & Food Control Organization, J&K.
As per details, the sanction to the advance drawl of Rs. 3.88 cr, available under Capex Budget 2022-23 as matching UT share has come in continuation to an order dated 06-10-2022 and are to be utilized during the current financial year (2022-23).
The advance drawl of funds has been made subject to conditions which include that Director, Ayush, J&K and State Drug Controller, Drug & Food Control Organization, J&K will have to furnish the physical and financial progress report every month to this Department, which shall be open to on the spot verification.
It has been directed that the funds should be utilized for a specific purpose after observing all codal procedures/formalities as per GFR 2017 including Administrative Approval and Technical Sanction from competent authority wherever required.
The HoDs have been directed to credit the drawl funds to the SNA of both schemes and incur the expenditure as per the guidelines of the scheme. At the same time, it has been underlined that a proper and transparent e-tendering process shall be adopted in the execution of works and purchase of material/supplies/equipment if any.
The directions also stated that there shall be no overlapping of funds from any other source and funds shall not be used for clearing any unauthorized liability and that all the sanctions/ approvals and clearances shall be in place before the withdrawal of money from the treasury.
The concerns have been also to ensure that the expenditure shall be incurred on admissible items only, as approved by the competent authority strictly as per the guidelines of the scheme and the conditions laid down by the concerned Ministry of Government of India
It has also been noted that the funds shall not be parked unnecessarily and shall not be available for re-appropriation/ diversion at any level.