Panelists at PK seminar ask Centre to act tough against terrorists, Pakistan

Excelsior Correspondent

A penalist speaking at a seminar at Jammu Club on Sunday. —Excelsior/Rakesh

JAMMU, Oct 13: Showing their concern that clouds of terrorism are hovering over Jammu region in view of recent two fidayeen attacks at Samba and Hiranagar and reports of influx of a large number of terrorist from across the border including Pakistan’s misadventure in Keran sector, Panelists at a seminar here, today were of the unanimous view that the Government of India should see the writing on the wall, shun complacency and curb terrorism with full might.
The seminar was organized by Panun Kashmir at Jammu Club here on the topic “Jammu on terrorist radar’’.
The Panelists included former DGP, M M Khajuria who also made the key note address, Prof Hari Om, Dr Ajay Chrungoo chairman Panun Kashmir and Prof Dipankar Sengupta, Prof of Economics Jammu University.
They apprised the gathering about the dangers of the renewed thrust of terrorism and secessionism in the State particularly in Jammu province. The recent escalation in the violence in the State and attempts to foment communal and sectarian disturbances were discussed threadbare in the seminar.
In his presentation PK Chairman Dr Ajay Chrungoo described the situation as serious as the new destablisation through escalation of terrorist violence and calibrated military pricks from Pakistan and China in the State is unfolding with an alarming frequency and intensity. The terror threat in Jammu at this time is taking place in an environment different than 90s. GoI has accepted the Pakistani dictum of an uninterrupted and uninterruptible dialogue. It is a state of abject adjustment to terrorism and brazen nation of the proclaimed policy which was articulated by none other than the President of India recently that there will be no compromise with cross border terrorism, he added.
He further elucidated the commitment of those at the helms in the State Government to unfold the national resolve that  J&K is an integral part of India is suspect. The Government positions and constitutional and legislative platforms have been used to describe J&K as a dispute and even as a colony of India, he added.
PK leader said that there is surprise appearance of a State of de-alert in the security establishment in the State inspite of building security threats and it seems that the most efficient organs of security are showing signs of inefficiency and this is a cause of concern.
Maintaining that recent Fidayeen attacks at Samba and Hiranagar can’t be seen in isolation, Dipankar Sengupta said they should be seen in a broader context of the events which have occurred in Gool and Kishtwar. He explained the separatist agenda which was changing in form and was being articulated only in some parts of the Valley is being sought to give a fillip by a series of acts which seem to be occurring too close to one another not to be uncoordinated.
Explaining the present security situation in the State, M M Khajuria made a lucid comparison of the trends in relation to political developments in the State, country and whole region of South Asia.
He said it was tragic that even after 67 years conflict with Pakistan successive Governments in Delhi and the national political class as a whole had either not bothered to or miserably failed to correctly assess and accurately delineate that country’s designs on the territories of J&K.