RTI awareness prog held

Excelsior Correspondent

Dignitaries during RTI awareness programme at Udhampur on Tuesday.

UDHAMPUR, Oct 15: One day RTI awareness programme was organized here at DC Office complex by Sangarsh RTI Movement in association with Common Wealth Human Rights Initiative, CHRI New Delhi in collaboration District Administration.
Additional Deputy Commissioner, Vikas Sharma inaugurated the programme, whereas Nagendra Jamwal, ACR presented the welcome address.
Sangarsh RTI Movement convener Balvinder Singh said that such training-cum-awareness workshop would help to build bonhomie between Government functionaries and the citizens.
He urged the participating Panchayat members to exercise their Right to Information in larger public interest. He also stressed on proper implementation of Section 4 of the J&K Right to Information Act, 2009 which calls for pro-active disclosure.
RTI activist Raman Sharma through Power Point Presentation gave technical knowledge about the various sections of the Act and rule. He said though as per law it is right conferred on every citizen to seek information from the Government but the citizens should use this transparency law as a duty to ask information related to developmental works to make the administration prompt, active and accountable.
Senior officers of the DC Office including RK Bharti, PO DRDA, Harasis Singh, Social Activist, CMO Udhampur, Neelam Sharma, GM DIC, Sapna Kotwal, Tehsildar Udhampur and all the Block Development Officers were also present.