Cool Japan" struts the runways at Fashion Week in Tokyo

TOKYO, Oct 18:  Washi paper was paired with silkand fabrics layered in an echo of traditional kimonos at JapanFashion Week, the twice-yearly celebration of an industry thatplays a key role in the nation’s "Cool Japan" campaign.Underwritten by a $500-million government bankroll, thecampaign – whose Cool Japan fund kicks off in November – aims tohelp Japanese firms promote their culture.
It has been seized upon by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe as away of restoring the halo of cool that once graced the nationthat gave the world technological marvels such as the  "Walkman.
Japan’s lustre dimmed through two lost decades that saw it fallbehind China economically.
At stake is a share in the booming global cultural industry,set to balloon more than 40 percent by 2020 to more than $9trillion, economists say.
Tokyo’s week-long fashion extravaganza, showcasing the Spring/Summer 2014 collections, kicked off on Monday with thenumber of foreign buyers nearly doubled from last year,according to Fashion Week observers.
Among those presenting was Sara Arai and her "araisara"brand, which made use of what experts say are typically Japanesefashion traits such as unusual colour combinations and fabriclayering in a sporty yet surreal collection called "Fantasia".Loose jackets made of washi paper and silk in vivid greensand blues were paired with sassy shorts and flowing,floor-length sundresses printed with a sunflower motif."In terms of materials, traditional techniques have meldedwith modern technology as it has evolved, allowing us to makethings unique to this time in history," Beijing-born Arai toldreporters.
"Through fashion, I want to tell the world aboutskills found only here in Asia."FASHION KEY TO "COOL JAPAN"Though much of the drive behind Cool Japan appears to havebeen inspired by South Korea’s backing of soft power that helpedboost its music industry to global fame, the campaign is muchbroader than simply entertainment."(Fashion) isn’t just one pillar of Cool Japan, it’s rightat the centre," said Yuichi Moronaga, deputy director of theCreative Industries Division at Japan’s Ministry of Economy,Trade and Industry."The image of Cool Japan is that it’s all about anime andmanga but what we want to sell is things and services. What’sreally most accessible in this sense is fashion and interiordesign, the miscellany of living."Among the attractions of Japanese fashion are its materials,ranging from buttons and ribbons to the fabrics and styling ofthe traditional kimono, the hallmark of designs by TamaeHirokawa of "Somarta", whose Monday show launched the week."Japan has the culture of layering going back very far, so Iembraced that history as well as the belt or ‘obi’ in the stylethat the samurai used," Hirokawa told.
While Japanese designers continue to take aim at China andits huge market, many are also turning to the rest of the vastAsian continent with its growing middle class, in particularIndonesia and Singapore."Asian customers and buyers are invited here to see thingsthemselves and they then spread this to their respectivecountries," said Nobuyuki Ohta, chief buyer at Matsuya, a majorTokyo department store, as well as head of the Cool Japan fund.
The growing attention paid to Japanese fashion overseas,helped by live Internet streaming of many Fashion Week events,allows it to fulfill a key role in providing a showcase foryounger designers. Of the 37 brands showing in Tokyo, five weremaking their Fashion Week debut."There are really good materials in Japan, really skilledpeople … If you make something stylish, it can appeal to theworld," Ohta said. "How to provide them with a platform, how tothrust them forward – this is the job of Cool Japan."
(Additional reporting by Devin Ohara and Mariko Lochridge; (agencies)