Pakistani aggression amounts to ‘act of war’: Harshdev

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Oct 18:  Harshdev Singh, NPP Chairman and MLA has urged upon the Union Government to shed off its inhibitions and adopt tough postures against Pakistan  for the latter’s highly disdainful, criminal and preposterous acts in persistently assaulting our national pride and honour.
Singh said that the persistent Pakistani mis-adventures on the Borders in violation of Cease Fire Agreemant (CFA) should be an eye-opener for the Indian Government which has been through pursuing a submissive and meek approach despite the highly pernicious onslaughts of Pakistan.
He lamented that a steep hike had been recorded in terrorist related fatalities during 2013 with Pakistan refusing to mend its ways despite high level meetings between the premiers of the two countries. Condemning the Pakistan aggression, as an act of war, he called for appropriate and adequate response to this most reprehensible act.
Harshdev Singh further asserted that Indian leadership had projected itself in very poor and helpless state in the past also by its failure to prevail upon Pakistan to bring to book the culprits responsible for murderous attack on Sarbjit, Chamel Singh and others after January 2013. Singh said that the most distressing aspect was that the Pak Government had been consistently and contemptuously dismissing the requests and appeals of Indian Government for enquiry and action against the culprits responsible for the aforesaid heinous acts.
Accusing the Union Government of diplomatic failures, Mr. Singh said that it owed an explanation to the nation for its submissive policies and soft approach in the face of highly offensive Pakistan and aggressive China.