CM asks Centre to take up ceasefire violations with Pak

Fayaz Bukhari
Srinagar, Oct 18: Chief Minister Omar Abdullah today said that the Centre needs to take up the frequent ceasefire violations with Pakistan in a strong manner and stressed that the ceasefire along the Line of Control (LoC) should remain in force as it is the most successful part of the peace process between the two countries.
Omar while interacting with the media persons on the sidelines of the 3-day North Zone Regional Judicial Conference at SKICC said that the ceasefire violations along the LoC are taking place despite the talks between the two countries over the issue at the highest level.
“I do not understand whose hand is behind this and what do they think because recently our Prime Minister met Pakistan Prime Minister in New York and they talked about ceasefire violations. It was decided that the Director General of Military Operations (DGMOs) of both countries will discuss the issue and find a remedy. Instead of a solution to it, the issue is getting more serious”, he said.
The Chief Minister urged the Centre to take up the issue of the ceasefire violations with Pakistan in a strong manner as continuous firing is causing immense hardships to the people living along the LoC. “The way civilian areas were targeted by shelling yesterday, and few children were injured, it does not seem that their intentions are good. I would request the Government of India to take up the issue with the Government of Pakistan in a strong manner,” he said.
It may be mentioned here that Pakistani troops yesterday fired at civilian areas along the IB, leaving five persons injured including three children at Najwal village.
Omar while describing the ceasefire along the LoC, reached between India and Pakistani in 2003, as most successful part of Confidence Building Measures said the State wants it to remain in force. “Till now, the most successful part of the peace process has been the ceasefire and if the ceasefire is ended, then it would be difficult to enforce it again”, he said.
Chief Minister said that the State is interested in holding of the ceasefire so that people living along the LoC live comfortably. “We have already taken up the matter with Government of India and it is not that they are not paying any attention. Now, it is just that how strongly they will take up the issue with Pakistan. We want the ceasefire to remain so that people living near the border and LoC sustain their life comfortably. The prevailing tension there is not good for us,” he said.
Omar said Union Home Minister, Sushil Kumar Shinde, will visit the LoC soon to review the situation. “The Home Minister of the country is touring the State after two days. We will visit the border, the LoC and review the situation and will see what needs to be done,” he said.
Earlier while addressing inaugural session of the Judicial Conference, the Chief Minister stressed for strengthening of the rule of law and building of full faith on institutions of legislature, judiciary and the Government.
Omar said that the three systems of legislature, judiciary and the government have to jointly contribute in strengthening the rule of law and building unsheltered faith of people in the Institutions responsible for ensuring justice, equality, liberty and fraternity to all without any consideration.
Chief Minister said that rule of law is paramount to achieve the goal of justice to all. “Law is blind to position, male or female sex, religion, caste or economic status, as such, justice delivered should seem to be delivered in the true spirit of justice. Speedy and time bound delivery of justice is of significant importance to people and at the end of the day this counts a lot to the justice seekers”, he said.
Omar said that delay in justice and different interpretations is a great cause of concern for common masses and it makes them apprehensive about their faith in judicial system. “This, sometimes create law and order problem. People come on roads and take the law in their own hands”, he said.
While making mention of Delhi rape case, Chief Minister said that the people coming on streets in large numbers was not only to show their concern against the crime but to depict the apprehension about the time bound justice and punishment handed over to the culprits.
He stressed for strengthening the justice system, rule of law and speedy delivery of justice to people. He said that the rich people afford to hire high class lawyers and managed to evade punishment. “Unless law is affordable to common man the justice delivery is difficult for them which shatters their faith in the system”, he added.
Omar said that the need of the hour is to rebuild the faith of the people in the Institutions. “Cutting across barriers, all the stakeholders have to work together to rebuild the faith of people in the Institutions by sticking to promises and commitments towards the rule of law”, he said.
The Chief Minister stressed for speedy justice in the courts and strengthening of Lok Adalats. “Our Government has focused on increasing the number of courts besides encouraging organizing more and more Lok Adalats to reach out people across the State to deliver justice. Thirty Mobile Courts have also been established in the State to provide justice to the people at their doorsteps” , he said.