Vinayak Nagar residents san basic facilities

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Dec 10: The residents of Ward No 66, Sector 1 and 2 Vinayak Nagar, Muthi today alleged that they have been totally neglected by Municipality. The residents of area said they being tax payers they san basic facilities of life. “We waited for years over years but authorities didn’t bother to solve our demands”, they added.
Except tall claims, the representative of the Ward and concerned officials did not pay attention to the area. They never bothered to visit the area.
The residents said drains, lanes and inner by lanes are totally damaged. The public resentment is brewing among the inhabitants of the area but the Municipality and concerned officials pay little attention despite repeated requests.
They said basic necessities like public park, public toilet, drains, blacktopping of inner roads needs to be taken priority.
The residents of Ward 66 sector 1and 2 requested the authorities to take necessary steps to the demands of the area right earnest and direct the concerned officials and public representative to take cognizance of the demands and execute the work on damaged roads, drains and meet other basic requirements of the people .