Worker, labour class being crushed with burden of inflation: Tarigami

CITU leader and Ex-MLA M Y Tarigami addressing workers at Jammu on Sunday. — Excelsior/Rakesh
CITU leader and Ex-MLA M Y Tarigami addressing workers at Jammu on Sunday. — Excelsior/Rakesh

CITU’s state level conference in Jammu
*Will fight for rights of working class: Dr Hemlata

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Dec 11: All India president of Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU), Dr Hemlata today said that CITU would continue its fight for the rights of the working class, which is facing exploitation at the hands of capitalists and big business houses in the country.
Addressing 6th two-day state level conference of CITU at Trikuta Nagar in Jammu today, Dr Hemlata who was the chief guest at the inaugural occasion said that labour and working class is the most sufferer under Modi Government. This Government is the big supporter of the Capitalists, Corporate and big business houses. Their earnings and profits have gone multi-times up while the poor worker has been facing exploitation and recession. His economic condition has turned from bad to worst. Workers/ labourers rights have been diluted under BJP regime.
The CITU National president further said that to create awareness among the workers class and project their issues State level conferences are being held across India. In J&K, two day programme on December 11-12 is being held at Jammu and National level conference will be held at Bengaluru from Dec 18 to 22. The issues of labour, Khet Mazdoor and workers of organised and un-organised sectors will be discussed and projected during five day conference. She said CITU has planned massive protest programme for the rights of workers at Union Capital on April 5, at the beginning of Budget Session in the Parliament.
Launching scathing attack on BJP Government, former MLA and state secretary of CITU, Mohd Yousuf Tarigami (Ex-MLA) said that much hype was created by the BJP Government that after August 5, 2019, with the Abrogation of Article 370, flood gates of jobs and massive development will be opened in J&K but all this proved a `total lie’ and `cruel joke’. There are no jobs, no employment for the workers/ labour class, educated and technically trained youth of the J&K. There are scams after scams in the recruitments and youth and worker of today is the most frustrated lot.
During last 8 years no steps were taken to minimise the sufferings of unemployed youth in J&K. Many workers were thrown out. Many daily wagers are facing exploitation and fear of their ouster. They are on roads for their wages. No one listens to them. The rights of labour/ working class are not protected. Today officers, contractors, workers are coming from outside J&K. Even laws enacted outside J&K are being imposed on the people here. There is no hike in the wages of workers, no bonus for the last several years. Minimum Wages Act is not being implemented here and employers are just exploiting their workers and Labour Department has become mute spectator. Inflation has broken the backbone of poor working class people. He said that CITU would strongly raise issues of workers class and take up with the UT Administration.
Thakur Kashmira Singh, CITU head from Himachal Pradesh and several other senior CITU leaders addressed the large gathering of workers.
Earlier, a large rally was taken out by the CITU workers led by M Y Tarigami, in Jammu which culminated at the venue of the conference at Trikuta Nagar.