Conduct DPC, finalize seniority before granting ACP to DRs: AGPOCC to Govt

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Dec 11: Agriculture Graduate Promotee Officers Coordination Committee (AGPOCC) today urged the Government to settle seniority and DPC of Class VII cadre before granting Assured career Progression (ACP) to Direct Recruits (DRs).
In this context, an urgent meeting of all departmental associations under the banner of AGPOCC was held today at Directorate of Agriculture Jammu.
Addressing the meeting, Raghuvir Singh (president Retiree Forum of Promotee Agriculture Officers) said that in last two and a half decades, no DPC has been conducted by the department which is great injustice and inhumane to the all Graduate Promotee Agriculture Officers.
Rahul Sawhney (president, NGAGA) said it is shocking that the Government is considering grant of ACP for DRs only without posting the ACP draft in public domain but also without finalizing the seniority list and depriving the Promottee Officers of ACP on the basis of misrepresentation of the facts by the vested interests.
The amalgam of Promotee Officers expressed surprise that as per draft of ACP only those Agriculture officers will be benefited whose Rs 4800/Grade Pay released on 2nd June 1988 while all other Agriculture officers who rendered more than 38 years of services as incharge officers will be ignored.
“Granting of ACP to the handful of DR’s and ignoring scores of Promotee Officers which is inevitable part of Gazzetted Rule SRO 179,of 1988 will trigger the element of dissatisfaction and which lead to compulsive litigation,” they added.
Dr Surinder Radotra (president, JKATA) appealed the Government to defer the granting of ACP to Direct Recruits till the DPC and Seniority get finalized. He informed the meeting that they have submitted their grievances to Chief Secretary Arun Mehta, Financial Commissioner (Additional Chief Secretary) Agriculture Production Department, Principal Secretary GAD and Principal Secretary Law at Civil Secretariat.