Secretariat fire enquiry

Two enquiries conducted simultaneously about the fire that broke out in the wooden block of the Secretariat in Srinagar on July 11 last, have come to the same conclusion that kerosene and not short circuit was the cause of fire that damaged the block and the record. But strangely, responsibility has not been fixed. Who brought kerosene oil, what was the purpose and how it was smuggled in and other relevant questions have remained unanswered. Obviously, there seems a conspiracy for sabotage. Who are the perpetrators of this conspiracy, who are their associates and where and in what circumstances was the plan hatched all remains shrouded in mystery. There seems no reason why the responsibility should not be fixed and the culprits brought to book. We would like to convey to the authorities that any attempt of covering the issue with the purpose of not identifying the culprits and their conspiracy will be detrimental to the security constraints of the State. Police authorities should not compromise the event but should bring out the names of persons involved and action taken against them. Both enquiries have established that the fire was caused by kerosene oil and this is a clear indication that a conspiracy was hatched. The people have a right to be told who the culprits are and what punishment is given to them.