DGPC inaugurates Sikh Marriage Bureau, starts data compilation

DGPC president Ranjit Singh Tohra & vice president, Balvinder Singh addressing press conference in Jammu. -Excelsior/Rakesh
DGPC president Ranjit Singh Tohra & vice president, Balvinder Singh addressing press conference in Jammu. -Excelsior/Rakesh

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Dec 15: Ranjit Singh Tohra, president DGPC Jammu along with vice president Balvinder Singh, secretary Surjit Singh, cashier Jagpal Singh and others inaugurated Sikh Marriage Bureau and launched compilation of data of needy and meritorious Sikh students at Sub office of DGPC Jammu at Gurudwara Baba Fateh Singh, Gandhi Nagar Jammu today.
While elaborating the details of above mentioned initiatives taken by DGPC Jammu, Balvinder Singh said that it has been observed that Sikh boys and girls despite being highly educated and established in both govt as well as in Private sectors are facing difficulties in finding suitable matches. So, the DGPC Jammu after threadbare discussions felt the need of starting its own marriage bureau with nominal charges as compared to huge amount charged by other matrimonial services. It is also decided not to charge any fee from persons having BPL card.
Balvinder further said that DGPC has also initiated to compile data of various general needy and meritorious Sikh students. The data so collected shall enable DGPC to make direct contact with such needy and meritorious students and will make appeal to the Sikh donors to contribute for these students so that they can pursue their studies in different spheres.
DGPC has also constituted a panel of experts comprising Manjit Singh, Rajinder Singh Sudan, Rajinder Singh Soodan (Retd XEn), Rajinder Singh (Retd ZE), Janak Singh with vast experience to provide voluntarily services and motivational counseling on fixed days and time in the sub office of DGPC at Gurudwara Baba Fateh Singh Jammu. DGPC further asked other Sikh intellectuals to come forward for accomplishment of the above project voluntarily.
Beside above mentioned initiatives DGPC Jammu will also prepare a list of blood donors from amongst the Sikh community so that in case of requirement of blood they can be approached for this noble cause of saving precious lives.
Other prominent persons who were present during conference included Gurpreet Singh, Ajit Sing, Dilbag Singh , Jaswinder Singh, Sukhvinder Singh, and Bhupinder Singh.