e-HRM implementation

Computerisation was a taboo when introduced in India in 80s, youth found it interactive and gradually adopted it. Old people thought it to be waste of time but they also understood the importance of role played by computers in daily life and slowly embraced it. Who can forget manual ledger system in banks where customers were seen carrying their own ledgers from one counter to another? Rest is history as now with a mobile itself one can do anything, anywhere in the world. Knowledge now is at the click of the mouse. Ever since oath taken by present GoI, innovation has been the key word as such sooner it realised the exercise to maintain data of lakhs of employees is just too much an effort and more so it is too cumbersome to analyse the performance of the employee. Too much pilferage of salaries, ghost employees and little on spot information about number of employees and so many other factors influenced Government to work on a comprehensive all inclusive platform to do justice with employees and requisite data for better decision making and future planning. The result was e-HRM, launched in 2017 by GoI, it has 25 applications in 5 modules and everything well in detail. Training to employees was provided and now it is one of the biggest factor in helping the GoI to understand the nitty-gritty’s of the day to day work, performance of the employee, work done vs salary given and so many other benefits, factually it influences many Government decisions now.
Importance of e-HRM in UT of Jammu and Kashmir is manifolds especially with the fact that Government employees to population is highest in the country, number of Government employees are at par with big states of Bihar and Uttar Pardesh. With the stabilisation of conditions in Jammu and Kashmir LG administration has rightly pushed the much needed reform of e-HRM in our UT. Like in MNREGA and many other schemes now there is no place to hide for Ghost Employees as whole scenario in deep details is available to administration at a click of mouse. No more HoDs can give lame excuses of manpower shortage, no more can employees get attached to Directorate offices and draw salaries without work. Jammu and Kashmir being a resource crunch UT which for monthly salaries have to depend on GoI as such performance is the buzz word as Government is in no mood to provide salaries without work. Practical example is of Education Department where staff is in excess to the tune of thousands, in many schools students are more than teachers, in many three times more staff in within city limit schools and this whole scenario is hidden within the system. Practical difficulties are always there initially and Government is committed to modify the system as and when anomalies are being pointed out but it is much more beneficial for employees also as whole service record gets loaded, no more he/she has to run from pillar to post to get service record updated, no more pleadings for provident fund or gratuity, no more unnecessary explanations for leaves, with all record at one point it is a win-win situation for all. Government can plan for launch of any scheme keeping in view manpower resources available at its disposal. Complete data of overstaying employees, how much tenure spent in rural areas, how many line of control or backward area Government job beneficiaries worked in remote areas, you name the thing data is there. Enough time has been given to employees to get registered on portal and upload their details and as such Government is within their right to stop salaries of the staff which have not done so far. Gone are the days of all carrots and no work, the present Government has clear cut policy, perform or perish, no place for deadwood.