Kashmir is ours, no role of third party: Shinde

*HM conducts aerial survey, reviews situation in UHQ meet

Sanjeev Pargal

Union Home Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde discussing a point with Chief Minister Omar Abdullah during his visit to Hiranagar police station on Tuesday. Another pic on page 4. -Excelsior/Gautam

JAMMU, Oct 22: Union Home Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde today charged Pakistan with resorting to ceasefire violations on the International Border and said there was a possibility that Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) and Jamaat-ul-Dawa (JuD) chief Hafiz Saeed was motivating and trying to infiltrate the militants into the Indian territory under the cover of firing.
Boosting morale of the Border Security Force (BSF) jawans during his one-day visit here during which he addressed the security personnel at 68 BSF Battalion Headquarters and visited Mehsar Army camp in Samba and Hiranagar police station apart from conducting aerial survey of the border and reviewing security scenario at Unified Headquarters meeting along with Chief Minister Omar Abdullah and Deputy Chief Minister Tara Chand, Mr Shinde asserted that the Centre was worried about the infiltration attempts being made by the militants this year from the Line of Control (LoC) and International Border (IB).
Accompanied by Union Home Secretary Anil Goswami and top brass of Central Police Forces, Intelligence agencies, civil and police administration, the Home Minister held a high level review of the security scenario in the entire State with special reference to the borders, at the Unified Headquarters meeting at the Chief Minister’s official residence that last about two hours before flying back to New Delhi at 5.30 pm.
Mr Shinde, however, didn’t visit the border areas, which have been badly affected in firing by the Rangers for past over one week, but conducted aerial survey of the border and the infiltration routes along Tarnah, Ujh and Basantar Nullahs in Samba and Kathua districts along with Omar and was briefed on situation prevailing on the borders by senior BSF and police officers.
Speaking to reporters and addressing BSF jawans at 68 BSF Battalion Headquarters in Samba this morning, Mr Shinde said LeT founder and JuD chief Hafiz Saeed could be training and motivating militants on the other side of Indo-Pak border for infiltration.
“As per our information it is possible that he (Hafiz Saeed) must be giving training to militants on the other side of the border in various launching pads but unless the Government (of Pakistan) hands him to us there is a problem,” he added.
The Home Minister was replying to a question whether Saeed, the chief of the Pakistan-based terror outfit LeT, was training militants and pushing them into J&K. He noted that a Red Corner notice has already been issued against Saeed, who also figured in India’s list of “20 most wanted terrorists”, who had taken shelter in Pakistan.
He called upon the BSF jawans to respond effectively to firing by the BSF Rangers and don’t become `soft targets’.
“You are free to respond adequately and effectively to any misadventure from across the border,” he told the jawans.
Mr Shinde rejected Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s proposal for US intervention to resolve Kashmir issue, saying “Kashmir is ours” and that there is no question of any role for a third party.
“There is no question of any role for a third party. There has been a stand since the period of Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru (first Prime Minister of independent India) on Jammu and Kashmir that Kashmir is ours…No third party thing can happen. Anything that has to happen has to happen bilaterally,” Mr Shinde said.
Calling for a cordial atmosphere between India and Pakistan, the Union Home Minister when asked about talks between India and Pakistan in the wake of frequent ceasefire violations and infiltration, said: “there should be atmosphere to have cordial talks. Let us see how we can better create that.”
Replying to another question whether India would talk tough with Pakistan over ceasefire violations and shelling along the border or maintain a compromising position, he said: “whenever there is a good policy, we talk of compromise. We cannot become tougher by talking tough. Action is being taken whenever other side breaks the peace along the border. It is not that we are not taking action. We have taken action and we have proved it.”
On criticism that India has always been at receiving end, Mr Shinde said: “we cannot say that we are always at receiving end. We have to some times compromise, but we cannot take that position always. If injustice is being done to us, we have to reply.”
“Looking at last year’s record, we are not worried. This year, however, we are worried because of the increased infiltration. I have been discussing this with my officers about the reasons behind the infiltration,” the Home Minister said.
Mr Shinde met the BSF jawans in the presence of top BSF officers and appreciated their morale. “We have come here to promise you that we stand by you, the country stands by you”.
He told the troops they must give bullet by bullet reply to Pakistan. “Yes”, the jawans said in unison to a question by Mr Shinde whether they are giving a strong reply.
On rampant ceasefire violations by Pakistan, he said that India would take up the matter with Pakistan at the level of Director Generals of Military Operations (DGMOs).
“That’s why I am here. I had an aerial survey of the border and saw infiltration routes. Some infiltration has happened but we are doing whatever is required. Our jawans are more than prepared to face any challenge,” he said.
Mr Shinde said: “there has been more infiltration than the past—infiltrations are going on–we will be taking more measures than the past”.
He also noted that morale of the jawans is high and they are working round-the-clock.
Asking security forces to be alert to prevent infiltration, he said: “I have been talking to all forces including defence forces (on foiling designs of cross-border infiltrations).
“We have information from various agencies that there is infiltration but numbers differs. We have number of agencies, we sit every week to come to the conclusion on this–what exactly could be infiltration.”
On fresh migrations from forward villages, the Home Minister said that the State Government was providing shelter to the villagers. The BSF was also accommodating the villagers in the night to take refuge during shelling.
Asked about reasons for sudden spurt in firing on International Border and why the firing has almost died down on the LoC, Mr Shinde said, “we don’t know at this stage but we are finding out.”
“We cannot become tougher only by talking tougher. See the actions being taken. Whenever they break the rules… Break the order, we take action. It is not that we are not taking stern action and we have proved that,” he said in response to a question.
Talking about the exodus triggered by the ceasefire violations, Mr Shinde said: “there is information that people are leaving the (border) villages. I have information that a shelter has been created… And they (locals) are moving to that shelter at night.”
You enjoy firing bullets at the enemy? You enjoy firing during the day or during the night?” This is how Mr Shinde bolstered the spirits of the smartly attired BSF personnel at the 86 Battalion headquarters at Samba this morning. He also mingled with the jawans and lauded them for their dedication and service to the nation.
“Do you feel reluctant of firing at the enemy,” Mr Shinde asked a row, only to get a loud, “no sir”.
With a smile on his face, Mr Shinde appreciated their grit and determination saying that the nation is in safe hands.
“The entire nation stands by you,” he assured the BSF jawans, who have suffered five non-fatal casualties during recent shelling and firing by the Rangers on the International Border.
Accompanied by BSF, DG, Subhash Joshi, the Home Minister stopped at almost every row asking the BSF personnel their names, where they came from and how they felt at the border away from their homes in the prevailing unrest.
A border guard said to the Home Minister, “Sir, our morale knows no limits today because our Home Minister is with us.”
Later, Shinde asked the BSF DG to bring his men in the makeshift mess for having tea and snacks with him.
Mr Shinde and Omar personally offered plates to the BSF jawans during tea at 68 Battalion Headquarters, much to the surprise of jawans.
Due to the surge in ceasefire violations, Shinde did not visit any forward posts, some of which have been targeted by Pakistani Rangers.
However, he visited the sites of September 26 twin terror strikes and conducted an aerial survey of the area near the International Border in the morning.
Accompanied by Chief Minister Omar Abdullah, Union Home Secretary Anil Goswami and top officials of the Intelligence agencies and para-military forces including BSF besides civil and police administration, Mr Shinde was briefed about the security situation along IB by top brass of the BSF including DG Subhash Joshi, who accompanied him from New Delhi and IG BSF Jammu Frontiers, SS Tomar.
The BSF officers made a presentation on ceasefire violations and the damage to the border fencing caused by recent floods along with the steps taken by them to guard the IB in view of the rise in the number of infiltration attempts.
Omar also accompanied Shinde on an aerial inspection of IB during which the Home Minister also surveyed infiltration routes and damaged fencing and riverine border belts between Akhnoor in Jammu district and Paharpur in Kathua district.
He also visited Hiranagar police station in Kathua district and Mehsar Army camp in Samba district, where 10 people including four Army soldiers (one of them Second-in-Command of the Unit Lt Col Bikramjeet Singh), four police personnel and a civilian were killed in twin terror strikes in on September 26. The three militants who had carried out the attack were killed in an exchange with the Army.
“We have come here to review the situation. I have taken an aerial tour of the border from Akhnoor to the place where infiltration took place (Paharpur in Hiranagar)… We have surveyed the river and nullahs along the border,” Mr Shinde said.
The morale of our troops is high and they are guarding the border round the clock,” he noted.
Mr Shinde met senior Army officers at Mehsar camp and witnessed the spot, where the fidayeens had taken shelter and were killed. He lauded the courage displayed by the Army soldiers in eliminating the fidayeens and preventing further damage.
At Hiranagar police station, senior police officers briefed Mr Shinde about the attack by the militants, the number of casualties and route taken by the fidayeens to reach Hiranagar police station and then Mehsar Army camp.
The Home Minister directed police personnel to remain on high alert to prevent such attacks in future. He said the militants could make more attempts of infiltration and attack on important installations and it was task of the BSF, police and other security agencies to thwart designs of the security forces.
He expressed Government’s “full support” for the Central Armed Police Forces (CAPF) and said they have been granted the status of ex-servicemen like their counterparts in the defence services.
“The CAPF are not given the status of ex-servicemen like the defence forces. When I said this to the PM, he asked me to bring a note regarding this in the Cabinet. You all will be happy to know that CAPF have been granted the status of ex-servicemen,” Mr Shinde said in his address to the BSF jawans at Samba.
He also said that the Ministry is considering extending few more benefits to CAPF personnel.
The Home Minister sought to boost the morale of forces saying the Government is aware of the hardships faced by them while guarding the country and will take steps to address their issues.
After his return from Samba and Hiranagar, Mr Shinde chaired a high level security review meeting of Unified Headquarters in which he reviewed situation in the State with particular reference to the borders along with Chief Minister Omar Abdullah.
Omar apprised the Home Minister about prevailing security scenario in the State including the borders and hinterland
Mr Shinde called for co-ordination among all security agencies operating in the State including the borders to thwart the militant designs. He said the infiltration attempts by the militants should be foiled.
He reportedly said that a flare-up on the borders should be prevented but, at the same time, Army and BSF had to give an effectively reply to Pakistan Army and Rangers, who were firing on the Indian posts.
Sources said representatives of Army, BSF, CRPF and JKP besides other security and Intelligence agencies gave detailed account of prevailing security scenario and general law and order situation in the State.
The meeting also discussed in detail the problems faced by the civilians on the borders due to continued firing by Pakistan and steps required to address them.
In the morning, Mr Shinde was received at Jammu Airport by Chief Minister Omar Abdullah, Deputy Chief Minister Tara Chand, Chief Secretary Mohammad Iqbal Khandey, Home Secretary Suresh Kumar, DGP Ashok Prasad, ADGP Security V K Singh, IGP Jammu Rajesh Kumar and top brass of para-military forces, police, civil administration and intelligence agencies.
At the Unified Headquarters meeting, the State Government made a strong appeal for a meeting to be held between the Directors General of Military Operations of India and Pakistan to address the issue of repeated ceasefire violations along the International Border.
Sources said members of the State Government said that a DGMO-level Flag Meeting was needed to put an end to the ceasefire violations along the LoC and IB.
Deputy Chief Minister, Tara Chand, Union Home Secretary, Anil Goswami, Secretary RAW, Alok Joshi, Chief Secretary J&K State, Mohammad Iqbal Khandey, Principal Secretary Home, Suresh Kumar, Principal Secretary to the Chief Minister, B. B. Vyas, COS Northern Command, Lt. Gen. H. J. S. Sachdeva, Lt. Gen. 16 Corps. D. S. Hooda, GOC 15 Corps, Lt. Gen. Gurmeet Singh, Lt. Gen. 14 Corps. Rakesh Sharma, GOC 9 Corps. Lt. Gen. Parveen Bakshi, MGGS Northern Command, Major General, G. S. Chandel, GOC 26 Inf. Div. Major General Ashwani Kumar, GOC 29 Inf. Div. Major General Balbir Singh, DGP BSF, Subash Joshi, Director General Police, Ashok Prasad, DG CRPF, Dalip Trivedi, Special DG CRPF, D. K. Pathak, Divisional Commissioner, Kashmir, Shalinder Kumar, Divisional Commissioner, Jammu, Shantmanu, Director IB, S. A. Ibrahim, Media Advisor to J&K, Bharti Vaid and other senior civil, police and army officers participated in the security review meeting.