Major repair work going on Tawi bridge

Excelsior Correspondent

Major repair work on Tawi bridge on Thursday. -Excelsior/Rakesh

JAMMU, Oct 24: Following some cracks in wearing coat due to heavy rains, major repair work is going on vital Tawi bridge -I resulting intro temporary closure of vehicular movement on a portion of the same.
The repair work, which was started yesterday, is likely to take three more days for completion and normal traffic on the bridge is expected to be fully restored by next Monday.
According to official sources, major cracks had developed in wearing coat under the bitumen layer of the bridge due to heavy rains during the recent times. Though temporary repairs were being done earlier also, the major work was initiated by the R&B Jammu Division yesterday.
Heavy cutters and electric hammers are being used to remove the damaged wearing coat of 3-4 inches thickness and special micro concrete is being filled for repair, sources explained.
The bridge stretch linking Bikram Chowk and Flyover for traffic movement towards city is likely to be repaired by tomorrow evening following which remaining portion linking Bikram Chowk and the road in front of MA Stadium, will be repaired.
The entire repair work is likely to be completed by Monday next for restoration of normal traffic on this Tawi bridge, sources said.