
Sunday Oct 27-2013   

Aries : You have to take care of your health, and at last you realise the importance of diet and exercise. However, today you may wish to eat something new, or try some different cuisine. Ganesha says go out with some old friends whom you have been neglecting of late.

Taurus : You will be fondly thinking about your close friends, particularly about the opposite. It may suddenly dawn upon you that you are in love, says Ganesha. If per chance there is a romantic encounter, go ahead and dive fearlessly in the pool of love. It is near certain that the wedding bells will be ringing for you sooner than you think. Today, nearly all Cancer born are likely to come under the lovely spell romance.

Gemini : Your family members and your friends will have much higher expectations from you today, and trying to fulfill the same will make your irritable. However, you will figure out creative ways to juggle the many demands made upon you and come out on tops at the end of it all, says Ganesha.

Cancer : You will tackle with ease, even the most confounding challenges. You may be the scapegoat, fears Ganesha, as it shakes you and lowers your self-confidence. But shake off your weaknesses and obtain Lots of energy.

Leo : People involved in Sales and Marketing related jobs will attend productive meetings and will make effective presentations. However, delays in journeying are a possibility. It is a good time to recognise your inherent capabilities. You will be able to prove your worth in the next 2-3 days, says Ganesha.

Virgo : Ganesha suggests that you take a much-needed break from the daily rigmarole. Introduce an element of the exotic in order to replace all the mundane work that fills up your day. You may attend private and social get-togethers, and Ganesha advises you to mingle with other people to keep your spirits high.

Libra : Ganesha says you will spend time with your family members by putting them above other commitments. There may be plans made to go out for dinner or for a short excursion with them. Ganesha says that the health of a close relative maybe a cause of concern for you today.

Scorpio : The one thing that we neglect the most about ourselves is health. But today you are unable to do that. Your health needs to be paid enough attention as you may be suffering from ailment/s. Try to regularise your routine along with healthy food and regular exercise, advises Ganesha.

Sagittarius : Whatever you take up today, you are on a winning spree, foresees Ganesha. A a leader, you will guide and instruct your subordinates when they seek your advise. In a way, you even encourage and motivate them. All in all, you are a happy soul at the end of the day!

Capricorn : Your accomplishments may take you on cloud nine today. Success may come easily to you, but don’t try your luck too much, advises Ganesha. Make the most of today as tomorrow may not the same as today. You will be popular today, especially in your social circle as you’ll impress everyone with your wit and humour.

Aquarius : You will go through some heavy mood swings today. And the people who know you well will get shocked and find it difficult to deal with you. Keep your guards on, and don’t take uncalled-for decisions, advises Ganesha, rather get your current assignments cross the finishing line.

Pisces : Today will be a hectic day for you. Most of your time will be spent in making your relationships on the business as well as the personal front more meaningful. You will likely find yourself attending social events. There is also the possibility that you will attend some religious ritual today. Apart from this, nothing substantial is likely to occur today, says Ganesha.