JMC cleaning choked nallah in Bantalab

Excelsior Correspondent

JCB machine on job at Bantalab. —Excelsior/Rakesh

JAMMU, Oct 26: Jammu Municipal Corporation (JMC) has started cleaning of the choked nallah at Bantalab near Kendriya Vidyalaya School.
The Jammu Municipal Corporation (JMC) team started the cleaning of the garbage from the choked nallah in Bantalab area, official sources told the EXCELSIOR, adding that the work has been taken under “Clean up Jammu” Sanitation drive on the instructions of JMC Commissioner Kiran Wattal.
One fourth of the work has been completed and it will take around one month to complete the whole process, official sources said.
Sources further said that work of lifting garbage, initiated around fifteen days back, is going on in full swing though some problems due to water logging were being faced. JMC team is making all efforts to complete the work so as to make free flow of water through this choked nallah.
One JCB machine along with garbage ferrying vehicles are on job to complete the work.
As reported earlier by the Excelsior, the nallah near Kendriya Vidyalaya School, Bantalab was choked due to sand, stone and other materials for over five months and JMC had initiated action in this regard now only.
The residents of the area had also approached JMC several times in this regard.