Ringgit, Taiwan dollar advance

UNDATED, Oct 28:  The following table shows the position of Asian currencies against the dollar at 0135 GMT.


Change on the day at 0135 GMT

Currency    Latest bid   Previous day    Pct Move

Japan yen        97.47          97.39       -0.08

Sing dlr        1.2357         1.2355       -0.02

Taiwan dlr      29.400         29.455       +0.19

Korean won     1061.35        1061.80       +0.04

Baht             31.05          31.07       +0.06

*Peso             43.05          43.05       +0.00

Rupiah        11000.00       11010.00       +0.09

Rupee            61.46          61.46       +0.00

Ringgit         3.1310         3.1568       +0.82

Yuan            6.0830         6.0840       +0.02


Change so far in 2013

Currency    Latest bid  End prev year    Pct Move

Japan yen        97.47          86.79      -10.96

Sing dlr        1.2357         1.2219       -1.12

Taiwan dlr      29.400         29.136       -0.90

Korean won     1061.35        1070.60       +0.87

Baht             31.05          30.61       -1.42

Peso             43.05          41.05       -4.65

Rupiah        11000.00        9630.00      -12.45

Rupee            61.46          54.99      -10.53

Ringgit         3.1310         3.0580       -2.33

Yuan            6.0830         6.2303       +2.42

* Financial markets in the Philippines are closed for a holiday.