Leh hydroelectric projects

Amidst recurring disappointments about completion or functioning of many new hydroelectric projects undertaken by the PDD, the hope that Leh will be doing fairly well in the area is rising high. This is on account of the success of the 45-Mega Watt Alchi/Nimoo Bazgo Hydel Project and solar power plants which have helped save diesel used in generators to the tune of 13 crore rupees. Power generated from this project will bring electricity to 89 villages by the end of December. It should be possible to bring electric power to all the 112 village of Leh in due course of time. What is now to be done is to lay the transmission lines to carry the power to remote villages. Of the three turbines supplied to the power house only one is functioning and that too below capacity. This is the reason why the authorities in Leh have asked the army and the BSF to shift to hydroelectric power consumption from the Alchi/Nimoo Bazgo project and reduce consumption of diesel. Another important and commendable fact is that shifting to the use of electric power through the project will reduce pollution of the environment caused by diesel consumption.. It is also satisfying that there are good chances of solar power being made good use of by the consumers in Leh. However the problem is that below-capacity use of power generated by one turbine could cause it damage. That is the reason why the army and BSF are approached to shift to the use of electricity from the project.
It has to be reminded that actually the Union Government has approved and sanctioned a big project of connecting Srinagar with Leh through a transmission grid. This work stands sanctioned but has not been started by the State Government as yet. Once that is completed the two turbines now lying idle will be put to use and power generated will reinforce power supply to the valley. We would entreat the Government and the NHPC to undertake the project of laying transmission lines without further delay.  We hope that project will be completed at an early date. Full power supply in Leh will go a long way in changing economy and life style of the people in Leh.