Serious security lapse

Six explosions that happened in the rally of BJP Prime Ministerial candidate Narendra Modi in Patna on Sunday are reflective of serious security lapse on the part of Bihar Government. The question who is behind the blasts comes only second; the first is why was there such a slackness on the part of the security establishment, State administration and police bandobast in Bihar as to allow six serial explosions to happen in which remote control was also pressed into service.  Why did the Government of Bihar fail to take all necessary measures of ensuring security at the public rally of a very important leader of the opposition party in the parliament? The Central Government has already indicated that Modi is on the hit list of terrorists.  Bihar Government is already aware of it, and as such the presence of Modi for addressing the rally should have geared up the entire security system of the State. Apart from that, there are standing directives from the Home Ministry about what preventive and precautionary measures need to be taken when public rallies of such importance are organized. Even basic pre-requisites of security on such occasions seem to have been ignored. Therefore before if we jump on the idea of who should be held responsible for the blasts, it is the Government of Bihar to whose doors the onus of the lapse will be brought.
In a democratic system, the opposition commands equal respect and the leader of opposition almost enjoys an important status.  Modi is the Chief Minister of a State and also the prime ministerial candidate of the party in opposition. These positions make his status very crucial. It is not the ideology to which he contributes that lends importance to his status; it is the trust of the people and the representative character of his personality that make him a VVIP. If a casual and irresponsible treatment is meted out to him, it will be a sad day for our democracy.
Bihar administration should have anticipated the situation and taken precautionary measures. Admission to the rally premises should have been regulated through strict security process. Intelligence sleuths should have been deployed all over the vulnerable places and strict vigilance including CCTV provision should have been in place. It appears that these pre-requisites were not provided and there was free for all.
There is another aspect to the story. Interrogation of recently arrested terrorists in various parts of the country has revealed that terrorist organizations like IM, SIMI and others have created secret strongholds in parts of Bihar on the behest of ISI because it becomes easy for ISI moles based in Nepal to get into touch with them. We are not aware what specific steps Nitish Government has taken to dismantle covert terrorist structures in Bihar. But we can say without fear of contradiction that it is the stated policy of ISI sponsored groups in our country to disrupt law and order through subversion. Nitish Government should not have underestimated that these terrorist organizations are capable of committing perfidies like the blasts that killed and wounded innocent Indian citizens.