Maintain city parks

You will agree with me that Parks are an essential part of a city. They do not only serve as places where the citizens meet to exchange their ideas and discuss their problems but also serve to beautify the city. Parks add to the aesthetic and beauty and people visit them for relaxation of their bodies and nerves. They also serve as places of morning and evening walks if they are large enough and are laid with paths. I am sorry to say that in the City of Temples ther are only a few parks which can be counted on finger tips. The few parks that exist are in a state of negligence and disarray. For example the Sarwal Colony Park near Dental College hospital in a hsabby State. It is being looked after by JDA but only on paper. There are no gardeners and the only chowkidar is unequal to the job. Many senior citizens as well as young men, women and children used to go for morning and evening walk to the park a few months ago but had to give up as it was turned into a place where weeds grow in abundance and the walking path gets filled with mud when it rains. Earlier it used to be well looked after and was a place of relaxation for all. I hope that through the columns of this paper the concerned authorities will take notice and improve thecondition of Sarwal Colony Park and all other city parks.
Yours etc….
Prof. B.L. Kaul
Sarwal Colony, Jammu