Vikar conducts extensive tour of Banihal

Excelsior Correspondent
BANIHAL, Oct 29: Minister of State for Technical Education, Power, CAPD, RDD and Information, Vikar Rasool Wani conducted an extensive tour of block Banihal of district Ramban.
The Minister inaugurated four room additional accommodation at Higher Secondary School Mahu, constructed with a  cost of Rs. 52.58 lakh under state plan. He also inaugurated three power transformers worth Rs. 38 lakh which would benefit 158 families of the areas under RGVVY. Besides, he laid foundation stone of Food Store of 140 MT capacity to be established at an estimated cost of Rs. 57.30 lakh under state sector.
Addressing the gathering, the Minister said that the Centre Government has started various social and developmental schemes for upliftment of women, children, old aged and other weaker sections of the society. He asked the officers of different departments to create massive awareness about their programmes so that people are not deprived of these benefits mere for lack of knowledge about the same. He also appealed the people to ensure their participation in all spheres of development and growth in their areas for effective implementation of development programmes being launched under various state and centrally sponsored schemes.
Earlier, the Minister inspected the Mahu road project work and instructed the officers of PMGSY to speed up the work for its completion before snowfall.
Meanwhile, Vikar Rasool also addressed a public gathering at Mahu and announced a dispensary for Bijnari and two road projects Mahu to Mangit and Mahu to Bloo under PMGSY. He reiterated that the uncovered areas will soon be electrified.
The people apprised the Minister of demands and problems of their respective areas which included road projects, electrification, water supply, health centres, bank branch, more anganwari centres and solar lights.
The Minister assured the public that their genuine demands will be fulfill in a shortest possible time.