Kashmir, a political issue, not economic: Omar

BANDIPORA, NORTH KASHMIR : Describing Kashmir as political issue, Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah said economic development cannot resolve the basic political issues confronting the state.
Reaffirmed his stands that economic development cannot resolve the basic political issues confronting Jammu and Kashmir Mr Abdullah said the three wars fought by India and Pakistan, resorting to violence by the astrayed youth, and different political voices reverberating the skies of Jammu and Kashmir were not for construction of roads, educational institutions, hospitals or other development concerns which his government was otherwise taking care of seriously and with a commitment.
He said this all happened and was happening for settlement of basic political issues of Jammu and Kashmir.
He said while he would continue to carry forward the development agenda with full spirit and enthusiasm to mitigate the difficulties of people, he would continue to bat for resolution of all the political issues concerning Jammu and Kashmir in an amicable and peaceful manner through the process of dialogue.
Addressing a public rally here today after inaugurating Rs 4.26 crore Kaloosa bridge over Madhumati Nallah and Rs 20 crore mini secretariat, the Chief Minister said the resolution of political issues of Jammu and Kashmir was the need of hour and the channels of dialogue needed to be kept operative so that peace and development go hand in hand and Jammu and Kashmir state will
becomes a state of peace, prosperity, development and plenty.
Taking a big dig on People’s Democratic Party (PDP) for their utterances and pretentions that the leaders of this party were not power hungry, the Chief Minister while poopoohing this pretention of PDP reminded the people of the machination, politicking and deceitful tactics adopted by Mufti Mohammad Sayeed to create wedge between a brother and a sister (Dr Farooq Abdullah and Khalida Shah) in 1983 and then one year later masterminding the desecration of temples in Bijbehara to grab power.
Mr Abdullah also reminded the people of the fact how Mr Sayeed installed Jagmohan in 1999 as the Governor of Jammu and Kashmir and became his active partner in the bloodshed, violence, atrocities and killings of youth, let loose by Jagmohan in the valley.
This he (Mufti Sayeed) did only to grab power and become Chief Minister of Jammu and Kashmir, Mr Abdullah alleged and told the people to confirm this from George Fernandes who was then the Central Minister.
Mr Abdullah said “when the politicians like the leadership of PDP say that they are not power hungry this should be considered a brazen lie told from the top of the voice.”
He also reminded the people of the unsuccessful attempts made by Mufti Sayeed to win over the support of National Conference (NC) MLAs during his tenure as Chief Minister from 2002 to 2005.
The Chief Minister said his party and he want power to resolve the political and developmental issues of Jammu and Kashmir and wipe off tears from the eyes of destitutes, poor and needy and help to develop Jammu and Kashmir as the model and modern state where peace, progress and prosperity will be ruling the roost.
He said in order to create good governance, curb corruption and bring transparency, his government took path breaking and historic measures to empower people and bring administration and the government under full public scan.
He referred to the legislations of Public Services Guarantee Act, Right to Information Act, Reconstitution of Accountability Commission and constitution of Vigilance Commission besides establishment of empowered Panchayat Raj in the state to make people masters and give them authority to ask questions and receive public services within the fixed time frame. (AGENCIES)