Coalition Govt working for overall development of State: Vikar

Excelsior Correspondent

Minister of State for Power Vikar Rasool Wani addressing public gathering at Banihal on Saturday.

BANIHAL, Nov 2: Minister of State for Technical Education, Power, CAPD, RDD and Information, Vikar Rasool Wani today   laid foundation stone of dispensary at Kundda Pogal.
He said that with the completion of this dispensary, the local people of the areas would be benefitted, adding that Coalition Government is keen to upgrade health infrastructure in the State. He said that the work on number of health infrastructure projects in the State especially in rural and far-off areas is on progress.
While addressing public gathering at Kundda, the Minister also announced the Food Store at Pogal, two transformer and poles for the area. He also assured the people that uncovered areas will be electrified soon.
He said that the UPA Government has launched number of welfare schemes for the upliftment of the weaker section of the society. He stressed upon the officers to aware the general masses about these schemes so that people can avail the benefits of the same.
He said that Coalition Government in the State is working for the overall development in every nook and corner of the state. He also targeted the communal forces for their dividing attitude.
While highlighting the achievement of the Coalition Government, the Minister said that number of schools have been upgraded besides  36 road projects under PMGSY, Health Centres and electrification of number of villages completed and remaining projects are on the verge of completion.
Earlier, the people apprised the Minister of demands and problems being faced by them which includes upgradation of schools, construction of various link roads, fencing and levelling of Eid Gha, play field for area, electrification of uncovered areas and water supply schemes.
Minister assured the people that their genuine demands would be fulfilled at the earliest.