Educational tour of girls flagged off

Excelsior Correspondent
Rajouri, Nov 4: An educational-cum-motivational tour named ‘Deedar-e-Watan – Kashmir se Kanyakumari’, for the college girl students hailing from the remote and far flung areas of Poonch district was flagged off from Palma in Rajouri by Harshita Rajeshwar, president Family Welfare Organisation (FWO), Counter Insurgency Force (Romeo) today.
The tour, comprising 23 girl students and two teachers of Poonch and Surankote Degree Colleges, has been organised by the Rashtriya Rifles Battalion under the aegis of Counter Insurgency Force.
In a span of 15 days, these girls are scheduled to visit New Delhi, Bangalore, Mysore, Ooty, Kanyakumari and Trivandrum, wherein they will learn about the varied culture and heritage of our nation and explore opportunities for growth. The girls hailing from a number of border villages of Surankote and Mandi tehsil were visibly excited at the prospect of visiting such places.
During the tour, they will also get the opportunity to interact with the Lieutenant Governor of Delhi, the Governor of Kerala, Sonia Gandhi, Salman Khurshid, the Chief Minister of Karnataka, Mohd Azhar-ud-Din and   Rahul Dravid.