Anjuman-e-Imamia holds conference on birth anniversary of Imam Ali

Religious leaders, poets and intellectuals during a national conference on Sunday.
Religious leaders, poets and intellectuals during a national conference on Sunday.

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Feb 5: Anjuman-e-Imamia on Sunday held a daylong National conference on the birth anniversary of Imam Ali here at Karabala Complex, Wazarat Road, Jammu.
As per a statement, the conference attended by religious scholars, poets, and intellectuals from across the country highlighted the preaching and justice delivery system of Imam Ali.
President Anjuman-e-Imamia Jammu, Syed Amanat Ali Shah greeted all the guest speakers. Hujat ul Islam Maulana Syed Ghulam Hussain Rizvi from Delhi elaborated the life of Imam Ali and said that youth should imbibe the qualities of Imam Ali for success in their life.
Maulana Syed Tasdeeq Hussain impressed upon the gathering to stand up against the cruelty and injustice.
Muzzaffar Hussain Beigh, former DyCM and Sohail Kazmi, Member JKUT Waqaf Board also addressed the gathering and highlighted the aspects of Imam Ali.
Others who spoke on the occasion include Prof Zaman Azurda and Syed Tokeer Hussain Zaidi.