
Wednesday Nov 06-2013   

Aries : Your temper will be volcanic today. You’re ready to pop and bust at the snap of a finger; but it just won’t do. Instead of punching your boss, Ganesha suggests you burn that energy clocking a hundred laps at a pool side or simply run back home. Yes, all the 22 miles!

Taurus : There is an unexpected occurrence waiting at every bend and turn in your path today. With maturity for sword and mellowness as shield, you will sift through everything that life throws at you. Some long-standing problems will also be solved by today evening, says Ganesha.

Gemini : You will have an emotionally turbulent day. In the afternoon, you will be extra touchy about what others think of you. But by evening, your aesthetic sensibilities will overcome your insecurity and you will be back to your cheerful self after being witness to an exquisite display of performing arts. In fact, you may even want to propose to your sweetheart.

Cancer : Meditation will be the order of the day. Your need to find inner peace is likely to push you to look inward and explore the alternate school of thought. You are likely to get inclined towards the mystical and the metaphysical. There may be a few health issues; Ganesha, however, wants you to understand that a certified doctor is still a better bet than a witch doctor. You may find yourself a little short on cash around afternoon. By evening, however, everything will be as usual and you may use it for making future plans.

Leo : Today, you shall have the unique ability to put up with any disparity and inequity, predicts Ganesha. Blessed with this, you can look forward to a seemingly endless number of favours and wonders later in the day. Speaking of love, your partner can expect a lot of serene words from you, even as you live up to his/her expectation, says Ganesha.

Virgo : The day promises to be full of surprises and twists and turns, each of which you will handle with maturity. If anyone makes the mistake of taking you for granted, they will repent for their poor judgement as you are not one to be pushed around. Determination to find solutions to prolonged and unsettled issues will yield results before the day ends, says Ganesha.

Libra : The day brings with it the gift of passion, and all its various nuances. On the career front, you may take steps today that will establish your identity in office. Later in the day, there are also chances of you having differences with your business associates. But your alert mind shall enable you to have an edge over your rivalís plans, says Ganesha.

Scorpio : There is a strong prospect that you will be buying a state-of-the-art motor vehicle, foresees Ganesha. In the afternoon, you may finalise deals regarding your dream house. In the evening, you are likely to buy a household item to please your life partner, expects Ganesha.

Sagittarius : It is very likely that you will pay enough attention to your family members today. Take time out to validate the efforts of others and show consideration when and where required. At workplace, people will admire your honesty. Romance is in the air in the evening, says Ganesha.

Capricorn : For this one day, you will be the master of your own fate, assigning work and cleverly getting it done without having to move a muscle. Incidentally, you will put in efforts to get along well with those around you, and unknowingly impress many by dint of your stupendous management skills, says Ganesha.

Aquarius : This day will play an important part in your future! The much-needed funds for business or education may fall your way today. Your seamless happiness will reflect in the playful mood in which you will interact with your loved ones. Ganesha is satisfied with your priorities.

Pisces : A productive and fruitful day awaits you, says Ganesha. You are likely to meet up with old friends, or, pretty scandalously, hook up with an ex-lover. Expect to be the Queen Bee at social gatherings. Enjoy the buzz.