Upgrade health service in State

The non-availability of an ambulance and the delay in shifting to district hospital Rajouri a Class IX student, who was injured by a rashly driven tempo, caused her death.
The death has evoked strong resentment among the residents against the Health Depart- ment employees inKotranka hospital who could not provide ambulance service to the victim.
This incident once again proves the fact that health services in rural areas are not upto the mark and require immediate attention of the authorities. Though the Government(s) have been quite benevolent in constructing many health centres in rural areas. But it is quite dismaying to note that these PHCs do not seem working efficiently due to a number of doctors.
The doctor community usually does not want to work in these centres. Those who are adjusted do not attend duties thereby leaving poor patients at the mercy of God and that of paramedics.
The Health Department should conduct surprise visits to these centres to ensure presence of staff and availability of machinery and medicines so that there are no deaths like that of the Rajouri road victim.
Yours etc….
Satish Kapahi