Dental checkup cum awareness camp held

Dr Azhar Malik with his team during a dental checkup camp at BOP Octroi in Suchetgarh area of Jammu.
Dr Azhar Malik with his team during a dental checkup camp at BOP Octroi in Suchetgarh area of Jammu.

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Feb 15: A one-day comprehensive dental checkup cum awareness camp was held today at Border Out Post (BOP) Octroi in Suchetgarh area of Jammu.
The Camp was organized by Dr K S Kumar DIG (Medical) in association with Dr Azhar Malik (HoD) PG Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, IGGDC Jammu in collaboration with Dr SK Singh, CMO (SG) and Dr Versha Tiwari, AC (MO).
More than 100 patients and school children were examined by a team of expert doctors comprising of Dr Azhar Malik, Dr Ajay Gupta, Dr Shamim Anjum, Dr Ravinder Bhagat, Dr Ashish Chowdhary, Dr Sukbhir Kour, Dr Anu Gandhral, Dr Manisha, PG students and interns under the guidance of Dr Rakesh K Gupta (Principal IGGDC Jammu), delivering healthcare services at the doorsteps of the patients.
During the Camp, free samples of toothpastes and toothbrushes were distributed and medicines were given to needed patients. General lecture about the importance and maintenance of oral hygiene was also delivered by the experts.