I am friend, supporter of Omar: Rahul

* We are committed partners: Omar

Chief Minister, Omar Abdullah and vice president Congress Party, Rahul Gandhi talking to each other at a function of women self-help groups in Budgam district on Thursday. —Excelsior/Amin War

Fayaz Bukhari
Srinagar, Nov 7: After face off with Chief Minister Omar Abdullah this morning over the empowerment of Panchayats in the State, Congress vice president, Rahul Gandhi, expressed his support for him.
Rahul while expressing his support for Omar, said that they have been discussing the implementation of Panchayati Raj in the State. “I am a friend, supporter of Omar. After all we run a Government together,” Rahul told journalists on the sidelines of a function at Budgam this afternoon.
The Chief Minister while responding to Rahul’s statement said that his party, National Conference (NC) is a committed partner of the United Progressive Alliance (UPA). “We are committed partners of the UPA, and we have had a very good relation with the UPA, and we see no reason why that should change,” he said.
Earlier the two leaders had a face off after the inauguration of Controlled Atmosphere Storage and Pack House at the Lassipora Industrial Estate, over the empowerment of the Panchayats in the State after Omar in his address disclosed that the protester in Jammu function was a worker of Panthers Party.
Rahul stressed upon Omar led Government to adopt the 73rd amendments of the Indian constitution so that Panchayats could be empowered.  “Whosoever protested in Jammu during my function was right while demanding empowerment of Panchayats”, he said.
Earlier, Chief Minister revealed during his speech that the protester in Jammu function was a worker of Panthers Party. “I don’t understand the aim of the Panthers Party worker”, he said.
“I want to inform Rahul Sahab that one who protested against you in Jammu a day before was worker of Panthers Party. I still could not understand his aim of protesting, was he there for disruption or to belittle me”, said Omar.
Rahul in his speech termed the protester right. “Whoever was the protester, I think he was rightly demanding the empowerment of Panchayats.” He told Omar to implement the 73rd constitutional amendment as soon as possible so that Panchayats are empowered.
The Chief Minister, tried to clarify that the committee constituted for the reservations in block and district level Panchayat elections has yet not produced its report.
“The empowerment of Panchayats is not only the matter of the implementation of Constitutional amendments, the committee which was formed to notify the reservations for block and district level Panchayat elections, is yet to submit its report,” Omar said adding “the Panchayati Raj members also stress only for funds which is not a positive approach.”
The Chief Minister said that the total empowerment of Panchayat Raj in the State is his commitment. He said he would continue to work to translate his initiative of holding Panchayat elections in the State after a period of 30 years into a reality of 3-tier Panchayat system ruling the roost in the State.
Omar said that actually Panchayat Raj in the State has become a subject matter of politics and politicians want to do politics on it but his Government is committed to achieve the goal of powerful Panchayat Raj in the State.
He mentioned the notification issued by the State Government for holding Block Council elections to ensure more financial powers to the Panchayats and said that due to the reservation issue and divergent views expressed by various groups, political parties and others on the subject, the process got held up. However, he said, his Government would make all out efforts to remove all stumbling blocks in this regard.
Omar on the cold storage facility at Lassipora said that the three specialties of Jammu and Kashmir – natural beauty, handicrafts and fruit is world renowned. “My Government has focused attention to strengthen these sectors and ensuring economic betterment and prosperity of the people and the State”, he added.
The Chief Minister said that attention is being given to upgrade post-harvest techniques and enable growers to market the quality fruit not only within the country but internationally. He said the people in Arab Countries like Muscat, Riyadh, Dubai, Qatar are highly fond of Kashmiri fruit and flowers. He said that efforts are on to help export of fruits and flowers from Kashmir to other parts of the world by utilizing Srinagar International Airport.
Omar said that Lassipora is coming up as an economic hub in the Horticulture Sector and his Government is encouraging investors for establishing Controlled Atmosphere Stores in North Kashmir, Shopian, Rafiabad, Sopore, Baramulla and other places as has been done in South Kashmir. He said completion of Railway and 4-laning of National Highway will give added impetus to the export of quality fruit from the State to the terminal markets.
Later at Budgam, Rahul in his address to the UMEED beneficiaries reiterated the need for empowering Panchayats in the State and said that he has been working in the country to make Panchayats powerful enough to handle financial and developmental activities at the grass roots.
The Congress vice president referred to the progress achieved under UMEED in Uttar Pradesh. He said that when he launched the scheme in Utter Pradesh some eight years earlier many had predicted that it will not be a success but today the success of UMEED in UP is itself reverberating and speaking loud and clear that when intensions are clear and efforts sincere targets are achieved definitely.
Rahul said at present more than 10 lakh women are getting benefit under UMEED in UP. “With this success in mind I initiated launch of UMEED in Jammu and Kashmir to seek comprehensive welfare and economic betterment of J&K women”, he said.
The Congress vice president said that UPA has initiated special programmes in the State for youth to enhance their employability and help them get employment within and outside the State.
Rahul cited the example of HIMAYAT and UDAN and said that the two schemes run by the Central Government in the State has already provided jobs to 15000 youth adding that another one lakh youth would get benefited under these schemes within next some years.
The Congress vice president also mentioned the UMEED programme sponsored by Central Government in the State for the development and empowerment of women. He said Rs 750 crore have been sanctioned by the Central Government for the State for this programme.
Omar in his speech said that UMEED scheme has given fillip to the endeavors of Government to seek holistic welfare and economic independence of women in the State. He said UMEED has in fact given impetus to the hope of achieving the goal of women empowerment.
Omar said that among various gifts to people of the country and the State by the UPA Government, the launch of UMEED scheme in the State projected and piloted by Rahul Gandhi is a special gift to the women of Jammu and Kashmir for their comprehensive development and economic independence.
The Chief Minister said that since the inception of the scheme he is observing confidence, enthusiasm and zest to achieve economic independence in the members of the women groups established in the State during the last two years under UMEED scheme.
“I am happy to observe your confidence to move ahead with a purpose and seek not only your own betterment but that of the entire women folk”, he said while reciting the Alama Iqbal’s couplet “Khudi Ko Kar Blund Itna Ki Har Taqdeer Sey Pehley Khuda Bandey Sey Khud Puchey Bata Teri Raza Kya Hay”.
After one of the UMEED beneficiaries complained that not a single function of UMEED was held in Ganderbal, the home constituency of the Chief Minister, Omar invited Rahul to address similar functions at Lar, Basohli and Chenani where this programme has also achieved remarkable progress.
Rahul in response to the invitation accepted it wholeheartedly and said that he is ready to accompany the Chief Minister to any area which he wants him to visit and witness the progress of UMEED scheme.
At the Congress party headquarters in Srinagar, while addressing Congress workers before flying to New Delhi, the Congress vice president said that they are pressurising the State Government for the implementation of 73rd amendment to empower Panchayati Raj System in the State.
Rahul in his address said that the Congress party is focusing on three things in Kashmir. “One is UMEED that is aimed at benefit lakhs of women in Jammu and Kashmir, second is that Rural Development Ministry will employ about one lakh youth in the State and third is we are pressurizing the State Government to bring in 73rd amendment to empower Panchayati Raj System in the State”, he added.
The Congress vice president said that although Congress Ministers are doing well but stressed that they should reach out to the workers and strengthen them for strengthening the party.
“My focus is on a worker and for me a worker is important in the Party because it is the worker who becomes an MLA or MP. Minister doesn’t become a worker. A worker should get his due rights in the party, his voice should be heard in Delhi. Whatever I do, I will do that to make a worker stronger”, said Rahul.
The Congress vice president said that he wants his workers to choose the candidates for the party during elections. “I want to bring in a change in giving ticket to a candidate. I want that a worker should be involved in the process of distributing election ticket to any party member. District and Block presidents should be involved in the whole process. To do this Block and District committee has to be strengthened and the respective presidents would have to be given their rights”, he said.
Rahul expressed his satisfaction over the functioning of the Congress party in the State. “I feel Congress party in moving ahead in Jammu and Kashmir.  Youth have to be involved in the party, and the stronger member has to be brought forward”, he said.
The Congress vice president made it clear that the party tickets will be issued to those candidates who reach out to the people. “That person will get a ticket in the election who reaches to the people, and whomsoever workers will select he will get a party ticket”, he added.
Rahul asked the Ministers and MLAs to reach out to the people and made it clear to them that their fate will be decided by Congress workers.”I have received a complaint against our Ministers, and I want to tell them that they are Ministers and MLA’s so they have to listen to the workers. And in case you didn’t listen to their demands, remember you have to bear consequences during the distribution of part tickets”, he said.
The Congress vice president told the Congress leaders to reach out to the workers for strengthening the party. “If you hear what they ask you and do their work you will be in gain. Workers are the backbone of our party who fight for us, and you don’t respect them you are not respecting the people of Jammu and Kashmir. Go and reach the people of Jammu and Kashmir to strengthen the Congress Party”, he added.