PM says unlimited scope for coop with China, outlines 7 principles

Visualising “unlimited possibilities” for closer cooperation between India and China, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh today outlined seven “practical principles” of engagement involving mutual respect and sensitivity while maintaining peace and tranquility on the border.
Interacting with a group of youth from China at his residence, Singh said the two countries share a common destiny and that “their strategic consultation and cooperation will enhance peace, stability and security in our region and beyond”.
“I believe that our two countries not only share a common destiny but that we have unlimited possibilities for closer cooperation,” he told the members of the delegation.
“Let me, therefore, outline seven practical principles of engagement that I believe will set India and China on this course,” he said.
“Like a beautiful tangram that emerges from seven different shapes, these seven principles would together create a beautiful tapestry of India-China relations in the years ahead,” Singh said.
Enlisting these principles, he said “we should reaffirm an unwavering commitment to the principles of Panchsheel and conduct our relationship in a spirit of mutual respect, sensitivity to each other’s interests and sovereignty, and mutual and equal security.”
He said maintaining peace and tranquility in India-China border areas has been the cornerstone of the bilateral relations.
“We should increase consultations and cooperation on complex issues such as trans-border rivers and our trade imbalance so as to strengthen our strategic and cooperative partnership,” the Prime Minister said.
Noting that India and China are the largest countries in Asia, he said “our strategic consultation and cooperation will enhance peace, stability and security in our region and beyond.”
The two countries should harness the full potential of cooperation in all aspects of relationship, including in the economic area, Singh said.
He also emphasised the role of people-to-people contacts, saying “we will achieve much greater success in our relations by increasing contacts and familiarity between our people in every walk of life.”
He invoked youth power to pitch for greater understanding between India and China, saying it will make “our friendship a mighty force”.
“People-to-people exchanges are important in enhancing mutual understanding… Youth of the two countries should be on the same wavelength. That will make our friendship a mighty force,” he said.
Singh, who has been a votary of friendly relations with China, said “in my talks with the Chinese leadership, we all agreed and stressed that people-to-people contacts should be strengthened.” (PTI)