H&ME increases GNM seats for Al-Falah Institute

Excelsior Correspondent

Srinagar, Mar 13: Health & Medical Education (H&ME) Department has approved an increase of 30 seats for the General Nursing & Midwifery (GNM) course in favour of Al-Fallah Paramedical Institute, Bandipora while two other courses have also been cancelled.
The courses which have been cancelled, and their seats, 10 each, have been added to the GNM while 10 more seats from the MMPHW course-leaving it with only 10 seats-have also been added to the GNM course.
The total intake for FMPHW, 20 seats, has been kept intact, while GNM-which earlier had only 10 seats-now has 40 seats, 10 from MMPHW, 10 from Medical Assistants and 10 from Dental Assistants.
It is to be noted here that the Medical Assistant and Dental Assistant course which were earlier being offered at the college have now been cancelled.
The provisional ‘No Objection Certificate’ granted has been made subject to conditions which include that the approval is subject to the fulfilment of provisions laid down in the J&K Paramedical Council, Act, 2014
It has been noted that no capitation fee will be charged by the Institute and that the permit shall be subject to any policy on the subject, which the Government may sanction in future for regulation of these Institutes.
“Eligibility of candidates for admission to the above courses shall be made on merit basis as per the provisions laid down by the Government from time to time through J&K Board of Professional Entrance Examination.”
The J&K Paramedical Council, as per the conditions, will inspect the institute periodically, to monitor and assess the adequacy of infrastructure regarding the number of trainees..