Advisor’s audacity

Refer news item ‘India conveys unhappiness to Pak on Aziz-Separatists meeting’ DE Nov 13. It seems that Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s advisor on National Security and Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz’s visit to India has instead of bringing the two nations closer only widened the gulf between them.
His meeting with separatists only confirms the fact that Pakistan has been interfering in the internal affairs of the country and advocating Hurriyat cause. This act has violated diplomatic niceties which need to be observed by the diplomats or ambassadors of the countries.
The clear support by the advisor to the Separatists has created great resenment among India masses. The advisor should have kept this in mind while he was advising the two factions of the Hurriyats to unite, and fight for Kashmir cause through plebiscite.
In the future, the Government of India should ensure that no Pak diplomat or ambassador talks to the separatists. The relation between the two countries can improve only, if each country respects each others sovereignity.
Yours etc…
Surjeet Singh
Sainik Colony,