K.D Maini
21st November, 1948, was the fateful day for Poonch. Every year 93 Infantry Brigade Poonch and the people of Poonch celebrate Poonch Linkup Day as Poonch Festival when they pay homage to martyrs and remember the heroes of 1947-48 battle of Poonch who fought with great courage and defended Poonch Town for fourteen months under the leadership of Brigadier Pritam Singh, the commander of Poonch Garrison and hero of Poonch Battle.
Poonch was a principality of local Dogra Rajas within J&K state before independence. The total area of the principality was 1647 sq. mile while the projected population of 1947 was 4.36 lacs which includes 76000 Hindu and Sikh and rest was Muslim  population. It was the central place between Kashmir valley and western Punjab and the principality was well connected with Poonch, Kotli, Mirpur Jammu road and Poonch-Uri, Muzafarabad Srinagar road. The principality comprised of four tehsils namely Haveli, Mendhar, Bagh and Sudhnutti. Pahari, Gujjar and Bakerwals were inhabited in this region apart from some pockets of Kashmiri and Dogri speaking people.  The tribes of this region are known as the defenders of Kashmir in the history and Poonch remains the battlefield for Kashmir from the ancient times.  During the happenings of 1947,  Poonch had become the centre of disturbance and except Poonch town the whole of the principality had gone under the captivity of Pakistan during 1947-48. The Poonch town  remained besieged for about 12 months. It was only due to operation link-up launched by Indian forces during October-November 1948 when the besieged city of Poonch was finally linked up with the rest of the country  by capturing Rajouri, Thanna Mandi, Budhal, Surankote, Bhimber Gali and Mendhar Poonch principality had  become the centre of disturbances immediately after 15th of August 1947 AD. Sardar Mohd Ibrahim Khan, the member of Praja Sabha from Bagh, Sudhnutti who was earlier sent to England by Raja Jagat Dev Singh of Poonch on his expenses for Bar Act Law was practicing at Srinagar, rushed to Poonch and started underground activities against Maharaja of Jammu and Kashmir in June 1947. Initially,  he organized about 60,000 ex-servicemen of Poonch principality (who had  participated in second world war) and motivated them for revolt against the scattered  Maharaja’s  forces  operating in Poonch principality.  In the last week of August 1947 Ibrahim Khan went to Pakistan, met Raja Yaqoob Khan of Hazara, the officers of Pakistan government and finally the Chief of NWFP Sardar Abdul Qayoom Khan and sought their armed help for revolt against Maharaja’s forces in the state. Pakistan government not only provided him arms and ammunitions, contingents of armed forces but also  allowed about 30,000 tribes-men  to participate in revolt against the government of Jammu and Kashmir.  At that time there were only two battalions of Dogra forces in Poonch area one at Bagh under the command of Colonel Malook Singh Hakal and other one was stationed at Palandri under the command of Brigadier Krishan Chand. These forces were scattered in the whole  of  Poonch principality. By assessing the situation that this       small contingent of Dogra force can easily be eliminated, Sardar Ibrahim Khan along with the contingent of Pakistan forces, local ex-servicemen and tribes-men (Afradies) of NWFP started big offensive in Poonch area against scattered Dogra forces. Therefore these Dogra forces were not in a position to stop the big thrust of Pak sponsored attack and started retreating towards Poonch town. Upto 3rd of October 1947 the whole area of Poonch principality   was captured by the rebels and Pakistani forces except Poonch town. On 24th October 1947 Sardar Ibrahim Khan declared the formation of ‘Azad Kashmir Government’ at Plandri in Poonch principality. In these circumstances, Brigadier L.P Sen of Indian forces stationed at Uri was directed to move towards Poonch via Haji Peer for the relief of Poonch town. Due to the burning of an important Chanjal bridge in the base of Haji Peer, the Indian offensive brigade could not  be moved towards Poonch, only Brigadier Sen, Lt. Col. Pritam Singh and Kamaun battalion marched on foot towards Poonch and reached in the town on 20th November 1947. After assessing the situation Brigadier L.P Sen after directing Lt. Col. Pritam Singh to command Poonch garrison  left back Uri on the same day. Immediately after the return of Uri Brigade, the raiders again cutoff Uri-Poonch road.
The people residing in the city were badly harassed and demoralized. About 50,000 people in the city were under the siege. These included 40,000 refugees who migrated from the rural areas of Poonch Illaqa. They were facing great accommodation problem. Every nook and corner of the city was occupied by migrants. All the government and non-government buildings were fully occupied by them and thousands of people were living without shelter.  The refugees whose kiths and kin were brutally slaughtered by the enemy were full of sorrows. Even in the city the life of the people was in danger. There was a vacuum in administration. The officers were either shifted to safe places in Pakistan or migrated towards Indian side. The law and order situation got bad to worse. The anti-social elements started looting and harassing the innocent people. Fortunately there was about 6,000 qntls of food grains available in the government stocks at the time of siege, which was distributed among the people. But after some days the scarcity of food grains started in the city. There was no link with the rest of the country. Therefore, it was not possible to provide food to every body. Apart from the food grains there was  acute shortage of cloth, grocery items, salt, medicines, milk, oil etc.
The salt was being sold at Rs. 40/- per kg which was beyond the purchasing capacity of common man. Instead of taking food the poor people were compelled to eat even the roots of the bushes. The same was the condition of animals in the city. There were about 6,000 milch cattle in the city. Since all the surrounding areas were under the occupation of enemy and no grass was available, therefore, the people sold their milch animals even at the rate of Rs. 5/- per cow. But nobody was ready to purchase these cattle. Therefore, the cattle’s started dying with hunger and so the epidemic broke due to the unhygienic conditions prevailing in the city. The proper medical care and even life saving drugs were not available, hundreds of people died in the absence of medicines. By this way, the siege of Poonch city was full of pains and sorrows.
The construction of the Air Field was completed with in a period of seven days near Poonch town. By this way in the first week of December 1947 Poonch city was air linked with the rest of the country when the first Dakota landed at Poonch by Air Commodore Mehar Singh. In the first flight Sheikh Sahib and Gopala Sawami Ayer visited Poonch, met people, heard their problems sympathetically   and so the public residing in the besieged city got some relief.
After consolidating of his forces, Pritam Singh started offensive on the enemy from April 1948 onward. Colonel Mulouk Singh with Dogra contingents assaulted Krishana Ghati and captured it. Then Mulouk Singh captured Khanater, Salootri, Degwar, Serian posts and reached upto to Madarpur bridge. Dogra Hawaldar Krishan Singh and constable Buaditta fought so gallantly in these battles that they got Virchakar. On 10th  of April our forces assaulted Khari Dharmsal picqet and captured it. On 13th of April Indian forces snatched Chhaga piquet from the enemy.
On the other hand, the operation rescue was started from Jammu side to link Jammu with Poonch in the month of   March 1948. On 18th of March  Indian forces captured Jhanger after killing 300 enemies. On 12th April 1948 our forces snatched Rajouri from Pak sponsored forces. Upto 20th June 1948 the Indian forces under the command of General Kulwant Singh compelled the enemy to vacate Thanna Mandi, Dhera Gali, Budhal, Buffliaz and Surankote. On 14th October Pir Bardeshwer and on 26th October Pir Kaleva in Rajouri were captured on 8th November the Indian forces under the leadership of Brigadier Yado Nath Singh and Lt. Col. Jajgeet Singh Arora stormed Bhimber Gali and snatched this important pass from Pakistan. The advance was continued on 19th November, Pir Topa was captured by Brigadier Umrao Singh of 19th Infantry Brigade. On the other hand, the forces of Poonch garrison under the command of Lt. Col. Chadnan Singh started advance from Poonch town towards Pir Topa on 19th November and after crossing Panj Kakrian ridge reached Dhanina Pir on 20th November by killing more than one hundred Pakistani forces stationed there. On 21st of November the forces of Umrao Singh started advance from Topa towards Dhanina Pir. They reached there on the same day and completed the Jammu-Poonch link up and shaking hand with Lt. Col. Chandan Singh. This had become possible only due to the strong defence of Poonch town by Brigadier Pritam Singh who kept holding the town for 16 months inspite of repeated attacks by two Brigades of  Pakistani forces. The 60000 rebels of Poonch principality and 3000 lashkar of Afridi tribes. He fought such a courageous and determined battle during this period that enemy could not dare to take even one post from Indian jawans rather Pritam Singh captured all surrounding areas like Gulpur, Jhullas, Dokhri, Chajja, Kanuyian, Khanater etc before the operation Link-up.
By this way, the 14th month siege of Poonch city was  vacated. This was the biggest loss suffered by Pak sponsored forces in this sector.  The nefarious design of Pakistan of capturing Poonch or black mailing India by besieging the city of Poonch was foiled by the Indian army with the help of patriotic public of this region.
On the eve of 66th anniversary of Poonch Linkup, this year elaborated programmes are organized by 93 infantry brigade with the active participation of the Public of Poonch from 1st November onward including Talent Hunt among youths, vocational training courses, sports activities, artificial limb camp for 90 beneficiaries, run for fun comprises of five students from each panchayat, seminars & Medical Camps etc. on 22nd November, a colourful programmes shall be organized in Pritam Pavilion and Naman Sthal Poonch including Wreath Ceremony, Horse Show, Dog Show, Band Show, Folk Songs, Khukri Dance, Flagging off Motivational Tour etc. and Poonch Festival Shall be celebrated with great enthusiasm.