A longing for a change in society

Dr S P Shrivatsa

A poet or writer annoyed with his contemporary naked picture of the events occurring around in the society and also dispassionated with present ugly set up, he starts yearing  for a new era is a poet or writer in a real sense of term. Mr Sanjeeva Bhasin seems to be belonging to such a category as his poems included in the newly published anthology-entitled “Kab Subah Hogi’’ (when there will a dawn) makes a true scenario of such situation. He being an established poet of Hindi never loses heart to see all this, instead standing steadfastly visualizes a bright future while waiting for a shining dawn.
The poet when looks around, a sort of naked dance of corruption, rapes, terrorism, loot, murdering of innncents feels very mush disturbed and disgruntled and he suddenly becomes impatient aspiring for a drastic change.
The real quality of his poem is spontaneity emerging from his emotionally surcharged core of poetic heart which  possesses pathos for the poor down trodden and sufferers. That is why  he possesses such a grandeur in his poetic fancy that touches the hearts of the readers.
The book under reviews Kab Subah  Hogi’’ contains 36 long poems in all, out of which nine poems belonging to the girls exhibit primarily their very pathetic condition due to the cruelty by the goons. In his wide ranging vision, he experiences how today’s woman folk faces a lot of trouble with the result the very honour of them is at stake. But at the same time, he also points out their unlimited hidden strength with which they have been blessed by  God. Therefore, he says when they rise to the occasion they can do a tremendous job. Then they can bring out unexpected changes in the society. Thus poet says –
vlhe lEHkoukvksa dks
tUe nsrh yM+fd;k¡
vusdksa ckj pwe pqdh gSa
lQyrkvksa ds f’k[kj
bfrgkl ds lhus ij
NksM+rh vk jgh gSa
miyfC/k;ksa ds u, vk;ke
tksM+rh tk jgh gSaA (P-107-108)
The girl posses such a quality that she can give birth to the unlimited possibilities. Girls have already achieved the height of several achievements. On the pages of the history, they leave the marks of their unprecedented deeds. And, they do not stop here, and thus they still go ahead to achieve some thing new.
In his spectrum, his tremendous art of creating poetry with symbols, imagery, tender tenor, metaphor, similes and piercing satire etc seem to be throbbing with sorrow, sadness and pains but sometimes also with affectionate emotions. In short, all the genres of his poetry seem to be touching the height of imagination tended with deep emotions, resulting in the sublimity of his poetry carve a niche in the hearts of the readers.
Explaining girl’s God gifted beauty and fairness symbolically and metaphorically he says-
yM+fd;k¡ gksrh gSa
f[kyh /kwi
nwf/k;k mtkl
nwc in Vidha
vksl dh cwansa
dksey vglkl (P-92)
The girls are like the light of Sunshine. Their glowing faces flash out to  any extend. They are also tender and soft like the dew drops fallen glittering on the doorba grass. They give inexpressible impression of grandeur.
;s cPps
tks f[kyrs gSa
dhpM+ esa dey dh rjg
iuirs gS
e:LFky esa mxh
>kfM;ksa dh rjg
xVj ds cgrs ikuh ls
lqurs gSa
ftUnxh dk laxhr
vUu ds vHkko esa [kkyh
gk¡fM;ksa dh rky ij
ukprs gSa  (P-20)
These poor children who blossom in the mud like louts flower and take growth in the desert like the bushes growing there. They attend the music of life in flowing water through gutters. While without food they dance on the rhythm of the empty pot.Really, his such type of spendid descriptions in many other poems also included in this anthology give a thrilling effect to our hearts.
Thus, we see that the poet Sanjiv Bhasin has a deep observation of whatever is happening around him in the society which knocks at his inner emotions to produce such a poetry which touches the hearts of the readers.