Azad trying to please new found friend Modi: JKPCC

JKPCC working president Raman Bhalla flanked by others addressing press conference in Jammu. -Excelsior/Rakesh
JKPCC working president Raman Bhalla flanked by others addressing press conference in Jammu. -Excelsior/Rakesh

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Apr 6: Congress today said that former Chief Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad is trying to please his new found friend PM Modi, by raising fingers on the Congress party and its leadership especially, Rahul Gandhi but said that he owes his identity, status, position to the Congress party and the Gandhi family.
Addressing a press conference here today JKPCC working president Raman Bhalla, chief spokesperson Ravinder Sharma, Ex-MLA & senior leader Th Balwan Singh and others congratulated Azad for his new found love with Prime Minister Modi, who owes his entire identity to the Congress Party and Gandhi family and enjoyed all powers and status for four decades but today questions the same party and leadership especially the same family.
Bhalla said that it is unfortunate that a leader of his standing and stature who got everything in politics due to Gandhi family and Congress Party for the longest ever tenure is now raising fingers on the same family and the party. He talks about ideology but where has gone his ideology. It is sheer opportunism on his part whatsoever may be his reasoning. It was time for him to pay back to the party and stand with the Congress cadres and leadership who are fighting the vendetta politics of Modi Govt.
They questioned what is more unfortunate and vindictive that Rahul Gandhi is served notice in 48 ours, whereas Azad avails the palatial residences in Delhi, Jammu, elsewhere, two years after his retirement and perhaps this could be one of the compulsions for the praise.
Stating that they have no objections to this but why two yardsticks in this country. The forefathers of Rahul Gandhi especially Pt Jawahar Lal Nehru, Indira Gandhi have donated their palatial houses with 100 of crores to the nation but this Govt (Modi Govt) did not wait for 48 hours to serve him notice.
They said Azad is making a laughing stock himself, when contradicts his earlier statements in the house and speaks against the party and the family with whom he worked whole life especially during good days. Before issuing clean chit to Modi Govt. on vendetta politics , killing his own conscious , they said that Azad should not forget the sufferings undergone by the people especially the political activists post August 5, 2019 when he himself was not allowed to enter the erstwhile state by the same Modi Govt while he was LoP in Rajya Sabha but still he says that there is no vendetta politics under BJP regime.
Ch Hussain Wafa, Narinder Sharma, Neeraj Gupta, spokesperson Kapil Singh, Sahil Sharma were also present.