Tewari accuses BJP of trying to fan communalism

PANAJI, Nov 21:  Congress today accused BJP of trying to spread communalism by deciding to felicitate two MLAs accused of inciting Muzaffarnagar violence during their scheduled rally at Agra today, which would be attended by the party’s prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi.

“It’s a matter of deep thought that is BJP trying to give out a message that people who are allegedly accused in riots will be felicitated by the party?” Information and Broadcasting minister Manish Tewari told reporters in Goa, where he is participating in the ongoing International Film Festival of India (IFFI).

“Does that mean that BJP is trying to spread communalism and violence in our country?” he asked.

“The BJP did the same thing in 80s when they brought polarisation and India is still paying for it,” he alleged.

“From these issues it is very clear that the election policy of BJP is based on polarisation. And I feel all the national forces should join hands together against them and should limit their existence,” Tewari suggested.

BJP Uttar Pradesh spokesman Vijay Bahadur Pathak had said that the party will felicitate its MLAs Sangeet Som and Suresh Rana, accused of inciting communal violence in Muzaffarnagar. (PTI)