High profile business delegation to visit Hyderbad

HYDERABAD, Nov 23:  A 42 member high powered business delegation from Iran will be visiting Hyderabad from November 24-26 to participate in the B2B meeting, organised by Federation of Indian export Orgnisations (FIEO) here on November 25 for promoting trade between two countries.
According to a press release here today, Mr Rafeeque Ahmed, President, FIEO, said logistic challenge and operational issues would be addressed to realize full potential of rupee payment mechanism.
While referring to the potential of this country, Mr Rafeeque said machinery for rextile industry, food processing industry, hospital equipments, diagnostic equipments are much in demand and Indian industry should take aggressive marketing to penetrate in Iran.
The challenge in trading with Iran lies in logistics.
Very few shipping lines are operating between India and Bandar Abbas and freight has escalated abnormally in last few months. Small Indian shipping companies with a facility of 8,000 to 10,000
TEU can look for such business even if voyage is taken on fortnightly basis.
The major areas of interest of the business delegation are Pharmaceuticals, Chemicals, Food Commodities like Rice, Sugar, Corn, Soya bean, Tea, Food additive, Raw material and additives for animal feeding, Paper, Banking, Establishing Mutual Banking Relations, Minerals, Textiles, Leather, the release said. (UNI)