Secretary Health assesses healthcare arrangements for G20 meetings

Excelsior Correspondent

SRINAGAR, Apr 25: Secretary, Health and Medical Education, Bhupender Kumar, today visited Kashmir Nursing Home at Gupkar to take first hand appraisal of healthcare facilities being made in the Kashmir Nursing Home for the upcoming G20 summit to be held in Kashmir in May.
Secretary was accompanied by Principal Government Medical College, Srinagar, Dr. Tanveer Masood and Director, Health Services Kashmir, Dr. Mushtaq Ahmad Rather.
Secretary visited all sections of the Nursing Home and reviewed ongoing works being executed regarding healthcare facilities for the G20 summit. He directed the Principal GMC and Medical Superintendent Kashmir Nursing Home to expedite the pending works and make the hospital fully ready in all respects within a fortnight.
He also directed the Medical Superintendent to increase the OPD footfalls of the hospital so that the people are benefited at large.