Human Rights Violations in Pakistan Occupied Jammu and Kashmir

Ronik Sharma
Everyone knows about the gross violations of human rights in POJK (Pakistan-occupied Jammu and Kashmir). The atrocities committed against the innocent masses living in the different areas of Pakistan-occupied Jammu and Kashmir are intolerable. Such gross human rights violations have been highlighted a number of times by various social activists as well as other whistleblowers, but in many cases the Pakistani army, with the active connivance of terrorist organizations, has not only choked the voices of all those who have raised their voices against such gross human rights violations but has also given them the death penalty for their active voice against such violations. At present, the residents of Pakistan-occupied Jammu and Kashmir (POJK), including Gilgit and Baltistan, have been denied access to even the most fundamental freedoms, and the Pakistani army imposes its strict control on them while Islamabad exerts pressure. The fact that Pakistan has always treated Gilgit and Baltistan like a colony makes the situation there troubling and horrible, but in reality, this is untrue because it is well acknowledged that Pakistani forces have been illegitimately occupying the region since 1947. Hindu Sikhs were compelled to leave their homes and hearths including territories that had been illegally occupied by Pakistani army since 1947, and this was done with the direct complicity of the Pakistani establishment. Later on, however, they also destroyed all of the Hindu and Sikh heritage sites, including temples, gurudwaras, and other similar holy places of worship, and they continue to do so today with an unrestrained scythe. Forced conversations of Hindus and Sikhs and the kidnapping of their daughters is a common practise in Pakistan that goes uncontrolled, and the world bodies working on human rights violations are impotent to stop it. Now the present population of the Pakistan-occupied Jammu and Kashmir areas has been deprived of all basic fundamental rights as well as human rights. The 22nd of February of the year 1994 is not only an important day in the history of the Indian Parliament but also has greater significance in Jammu and Kashmir affairs. On this day, the Indian Parliament passed a unanimous resolution that:
* State of Jammu & Kashmir has been, is and shall be an integral part of India and any attempts to separate it from the rest of the country will be resisted by all necessary means.
* India has the will and capacity to firmly counter all designs against its unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity.
* Indian demands that Pakistan must vacate the areas of the Indian State of Jammu and Kashmir, which they have occupied through aggression.
* All attempts to interfere in the internal affairs of India will be met resolutely.
“On the other side, China is firmly supporting and providing Pakistan all logistics for increasing more infrastructure for terrorists, and due to the pressure from the Chinese military and government, Pakistan, with the active connivance of terrorist organizations and security agencies, is raising more infrastructure and providing all logistics support to terrorist groups in the areas of POJK that are still under their illegal occupation. India launched two separate surgical attacks against active terrorists and their training camps in Pakistan, exposing Pakistan to the world and opening everyone’s eyes. Following the Uri terrorist attack in 2016, paratroopers from the Indian special forces launched an operation against terrorists in close proximity of the Bhimber, Kel, and Lipa sectors. This operation resulted in the destruction of numerous terrorist launch pads as well as the deaths of numerous terrorists, their guides, and their handlers. Indian airstrikes targeting terrorist training camps in Balakot sector inside Pakistan’s Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province in 2019 as retribution for the terrorist assault in Pulwama damaged many training facilities and killed a number of terrorists there. This resulted in one of the largest defeats against the entry of terrorists into India.
The visionary strategy employed by the Indian Prime Minister toward Jammu and Kashmir has not only met the aspirations of numerous innocent people who went unnoticed during the time of successive Delhi regimes, but it has also addressed numerous unresolved and unfocused issues affecting the society in order to ensure its survival and advancement. The people of Jammu and Kashmir are now realising that many societal changes, including those that were left unaddressed during the tenure of successive governments in Jammu and Kashmir, have taken place since the reorganisation of the former state of Jammu and Kashmir. Presently, in Pakistan as well as in Pakistan-Occupied Jammu and Kashmir due to a lack of wheat and other food products and the growing prices of essential commodities across Pakistan, including the areas of the Pakistan-occupied Jammu and Kashmir, local protests have been going on for a number of weeks. Residents in the region of Gilgit Baltistan, which Pakistan has seized as part of Jammu and Kashmir, regularly demonstrate against the Pakistani government and demand a reunion with India . That is the reason that such atrocities against the defenceless and helpless population that have been occurring for a long time. The helpless innocent populace are unable to address these problems. The Pakistani establishment has not stopped there; they have used the narco-terrorist tactic to undermine states that share borders with India. To permanently damage the youth’s minds, ISI and the drug mafia continue to smuggle massive amounts of narcotics into the bordering states of India. A prominent tactic employed by Pakistani agents to corrupt the youth of Jammu and Kashmir,notably Pakistan-occupied Jammu and Kashmir, is narcotic terror. Narcotics trafficking and sales are illegal under the Charter of Human Rights. World organisations need to draw attention to this gruesome part of the Pakistani establishment as well and impose penalties so that it is compelled to stop carrying out such barbaric deeds. The terrorist infrastructure is still in place in Pakistan-occupied Jammu and Kashmir, but there is no restriction on the entry of terrorists into India and other nations via Pakistan-occupied Jammu and Kashmir. Pakistan as well as the areas of the POJK are still the epicentres of both global terrorism and the deadly Islamic doctrine. In this region, Pakistan’s foreign policy goals are served via the export and sponsorship of terrorism and illegal drugs.
Narcotic drugs are being illegally supplied into India through the Pakistan-occupied Jammu and Kashmir areas because Pakistan wants to keep India involved in the fight against narco-terrorism. India’s political and economic determination is what Islamabad aims to erode. The amount of money Pakistan makes from the illegal drug trade is enormous-it is almost equal to what it spends on funding terrorism in India through the areas of Pakistan Occupied Jammu and Kashmir. The fact that these drugs are the main source of finance for Pakistan-sponsored terrorism in India raises serious concerns for India.
In order to put pressure on Pakistan to review their ideology and change the practisces they have adopted since being an independent nation, the Indian government must bring every troubling facet of the Pakistani establishment to the attention of international organisations. India’s G-20 presidency is a great source of pride for the nation as a result of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s enormous efforts since assuming office and later becoming as a well-known world famous personality among world leaders. As we know that for the period of December 1, 2022 , to November 30, 2023, India will retain the G20 Presidency. It is matter of concern that the G-20 members control a sizable portion of the world’s population, economy, and political sway . Presenting the globe with the nation’s extensive cultural and historical history is relevant at this time. With its long history and diverse legacy, India is the country with the oldest civilization in the entire planet. Under the vibrant leadership of the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, this is an appropriate time to bring all of these issues to the attention of international forums in the hopes that it will serve as an eye-opener for them . The Indian government should not hesitate to use the military option to reclaim Indian territories that Pakistan has been illegally and forcibly occupying since 1947. It will be most appropriate for the Indian government to get the areas of POJK (Pakistan Occupied Jammu and Kashmir), including Gilgit-Baltistan and Skardu, to vacate them immediately if the Pakistani government doesn’t do so. Because of the upheaval in those regions the entire POJK and Gilgit-Baltistan people are the victims of shocking crimes and serious human rights violations. No democratic or constitutional rights exist, and people are treated like slaves.