Poonch terror plot uncovered

An army vehicle catches fire after being struck by lightning in the Bhatadurain area of Mendhar in Poonch district.

The terror plot behind the ambush in Mendhar tehsil of Poonch district on April 20 has been uncovered, resulting in the arrest of six locals who provided shelter and materials to the militants responsible for the attack. The attack was carefully planned and executed by three to five militants who conducted a thorough reconnaissance of the area before choosing their target. Over 200 people have been questioned in connection with the attack, and the operation to neutralise the terrorists is ongoing. The DGP emphasised that such incidents cannot occur without local support and that security forces are actively seeking out more individuals involved in the plot. Pakistan’s role has also been unravelled.
If terrorists have managed to infiltrate a local community and reside there without being detected, it is a significant intelligence failure. Law enforcement agencies must maintain close relationships with local communities and gather information from them to identify any suspicious activities or individuals.
If the police have no information about the presence of terrorists in the area, it is important to investigate why this is the case and take steps to improve intelligence gathering and sharing. This may involve conducting a thorough review of the intelligence-gathering process, enhancing training for law enforcement officers, and improving coordination and communication between different agencies and departments involved in counterterrorism efforts.
An intelligence failure can lead to a terrorist attack if crucial information about the attackers or their plans is missed or not properly analysed. This has happened repeatedly in this region, with no accountability being fixed. How was a single Army truck on the road, defying standard SOPs for Army movement in this sensitive area?
To prevent such incidents, it is essential to have robust intelligence gathering and analysis capabilities, as well as effective communication channels and collaboration between different intelligence and law enforcement agencies. It is also important to regularly review and update security protocols and procedures to address any vulnerabilities and adapt to evolving threats.