Refer news item ‘Strike affects functioning at SMHS hospital’ DE Nov 27.
The doctor-patients-attendants brawls in our health centres has become a routine affair. Such incidents keep on recurring here and there. But what is quite dismaying is the fact the Government in cooperation with health authorities have not taken this matter seriously and found a solution to it. The grievances of patients-attendants are not unfounded. There have been instances where doctors have been found insensitive towards patients. However, it may be said that the blame does not lie squarely with doctor community. This community remains burdened with over crowding in hospitals. As peripheral health centres are ill euipped and understaffed, patients are forced to seek medical services in major hospitals of the State. In these circumstances, the doctor-patient ratio gets widened and this puts pressure on the staff working in the hospital.
Therefore, the Government should ensure that hospital in the State do not remain over crowded.It is only after doctor-patient ratio is bridged that such unfortunate incidents may not recur.
Yours etc….
Tanvir Ahmed
Amirakadal, Srinagar