Mission LiFE launched in Basohli Division

Excelsior Correspondent
KATHUA, May 7: Basohli Forest Division along with entire Forest field staff and staff of sister wings of Forestry launched mass education and awareness campaign on the Mission LiFE initiative here last evening.
On this occasion all committee members of the Municipal Committee, Basohli along with its Chairman participated in the various activities carried out in the Divisional office complex at Basohli under the supervision of DFO-Basohli.
The detailed set of activities performed during the one-day event are plastic free cleanliness drive in and around the forest campus, plantation ceremony, oath ceremony and an awareness campaign involving all participants. On this occasion an online pledge certificate was also generated on https://pledge.my gov.in/life-movement. This was the first set of activities carried out under the LiFE Mission as a part of “21-day Challenge” and in the days to come more such activities shall be conducted in the territorial jurisdiction of the Basohli Forest involving the PRIs, Schools, Colleges, other Govt. Departments, important tourist sites like Purthu, Sarthal, Dhar Mahanpur etc with its ultimate culmination on June 5, 2023, on the eve of “World Environment Day- 2023”.
DFO-Basohli Ashwani Kumar, elucidated in detail about the beginning of LiFE Mission and how it was introduced by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi at COP26 in Glasgow on November Ist, 2021, as a mass movement for “mindful and deliberate utilization, instead of mindless and destructive consumption” to protect and preserve the environment.