BJP unconcerned over miseries they created for people: Farooq

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, May 12: The Jammu and Kashmir National Conference president and Member Parliament from Srinagar, Dr Farooq Abdullah today asked the party cadre to keep their actions deeply rooted in the vision and ideology of the party.

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He said this while interacting with the media on the side-lines of a function in Gopalpura, Mattan.
The NC president exhorted the party cadre to remain in touch with people, keeping their actions deeply rooted in the ideology of the party. “Never step back, face the challenges with courage and faith. Our distressed people want us to strengthen our rows to come to their rescue. The ruling party and its local ‘Trojan horses’ are not batting an eyelid over the miseries they have created for our people,” he added.
“We do not find any mention about the fuel price hike, farmers’ distress, development deficit and unemployment in their talks. It shows they are not worried about the people but only want to be in power. We have to amplify our efforts towards highlighting the public issues, because no one is doing it. Our cadre has to work extra time and walk an extra mile to shoulder people’s woes. Our ground cadre is doing a good job, however, the prevailing situation demands us to do more,” Dr Abdullah stated.
Exhorting the youth to turn towards righteous deeds and perusal of the holy Quran and Hadith, he said, “How can our youth take the responsibility of providing direction to our nation if they are not mentally and physically strong? The shoulders that would carry the responsibility of the future have to be strong. As long as our youth lack in competence, confidence and character, they cannot shoulder the critical responsibilities of shaping the future. Therefore, in order to become a leading light, our youth have to enlighten themselves,” the former CM maintained.
Among others Altaf Ahmed Wani, Riyaz Khan, Pir Mohd Hussain Suharwardhy, Israr Khan were also present on the occasion.